Luke Allen (Student Counseling & Psychological Services) and lore dickey published a chapter, "Recommendations and Advocacy Strategies for Meeting the Needs of Transgender College Students," in the book Affirming LGBTQ+ Students in Higher Education. The book guides institutions of higher learning in making practical and effective changes at…
Jennifer Vanderlaan (Nursing) co-authored a new publication, "Early Perinatal Workforce Adaptations to the COVID-19 Pandemic." The study focused on early pandemic response and ways to improve readiness.
Francis A. Cucinotta (Health Physics and Diagnostic Sciences), along with Premkumar B. Saganti of Prairie View A&M University wrote an article, "Race and Ethnic Group Dependent Space Radiation Cancer Risk Predictions," that has been published in Scientific Reports. Future space missions by national space agencies and private industry,…
Ann Vuong (Epidemiology & Biostatistics) co-published a paper, "Gestational Exposure to Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers and Social Skills and Problem Behaviors in Adolescents: The HOME Study" in the journal Environment International. The study investigates associations between gestational exposure to PBDEs and social skills and problem…
Dr. Neamat Hassan (Dental) gave a virtual presentation, “Role of the Additive Technology (3D printing) Materials in Advancing Maxillofacial Prosthodontics,” to graduate students in the department of maxillofacial prosthodontics at Japan's Tokyo Medical and Dental University.
Benjamin P. Edwards (Law) recently was elected to the leadership of three different sections of the the Association of American Law Schools. He is now the chair-elect of the Securities Regulation Section, the secretary of the Section on Professional Responsibility, and a member of the Executive Committee of the Section on Transactional Law &…
Miguel M. Gonzales (Educational Psychology and Higher Education) alongside Maria B. Roberts (Education) published "The Impact of a Franchise Model School Framework on the Leadership Development of Assistant Principals" in the Journal of School Leadership. Gonzales is with the educational policy and leadership program.
Dr. Amanda Jo Okundaye (Dental) contributed content to chapters 14 and 16 in the third edition of Wright's Behavior Management in Dentistry for Children.
Drs. Neamat Hassan and Hassan Ziada (both Dental) co-authored “Perspectives of Orthodontists of the Diagnosis, Prevention, and Management of White Spot Lesions: A Qualitative Study,” which appeared Jan. 29 in the Journal of International Society of Preventive and Community Dentistry.

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