Chad L. Cross (Epidemiology and Biostatistics) published an extension outreach publication with Estelle Martin and Lucas Brendel from University of Florida's Department of Entomology and Nematology on the human flea (Pulex irritans). This flea often lives in close association with humans and has been implicated as a potentially important…
Junggab Son (Computer Science) was a senior author on a recently accepted paper titled, "Improving Fashion Attribute Classification Accuracy With Limited Labeled Data Using Transfer Learning," in the 21st IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (IEEE ICMLA'22). 
Kara Christensen (Psychology) and colleagues at the University of Kansas, led by Kelsie Forbush, recently published an article, "Generalized network psychometrics of eating-disorder psychopathology," in the International Journal of Eating Disorders that compares different models for understanding eating disorder psychopathology…
Austin Horng-En Wang (Political Science) published a co-authored article, "Predictors of enhancing human physical attractiveness: Data from 93 countries," in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior. Wang collaborates with a group of psychologists around the world and examines the make-up usage across the countries. This article shows…
David G. Schwartz (Ombuds) recently published a post on From the Ombuds, the official blog of UNLV's Ombuds Office.  Called, "What Does an Ombuds Do (And How Do You Say It)?," the post provides a serious but not-too-serious explanation of what an ombuds does, and how the word is pronounced.  For more information about the Ombuds Office…
Bowen Liu (Mathematical Sciences) published an article titled, "Impact of COVID-19 on college students at one of the most diverse campuses in the USA: a factor analysis of survey data," in BMJ Open. He and his team conducted a university-level survey study on UNLV students, which is the first study that assessed the perceived stress of university…
Austin Horng-En Wang (Political Science) published a co-authored article, "Public support for the use of force in non-Western and non-major powers: The case of a China–Taiwan war," in the International Political Science Review. This article argues that the calculation in the willingness to fight and war tolerance are different for people…
Gregory Brown, M.D., (Psychiatry and Behavioral Health) was elevated to Fellow status at the American College of Psychiatrists' 2022 Annual Meeting, which was held in August.
Ann Vuong (Epidemiology and Biostatistics) co-authored an article on "Maternal urinary OPE metabolite concentrations and blood pressure during pregnancy: The HOME study" in the journal, Environmental Research. The study found that maternal urinary bis(2-chloroethyl) phosphate (BCEP) and diphenyl phosphate (DPHP) concentrations were…

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