Francine J. Lipman (Law) was ranked as a top 50 tax law professor based on Google Scholar H-index citation counts.
Allison McNickle, Stephanie Jones, Mais Yacoub, Stephanie Streit, Judith Ben Ari, and Douglas Fraser (all Medicine) co-authored "BIG Kids" Application of a modified brain injury guideline in a pediatric trauma center," published in the Journal of Pediatric Surgery in collaboration with Dina Bailey of UMC Trauma Services. This study evaluated the…
Mary Froehlich, Allison McNickle, and Douglas Fraser (all Medicine) co-authored an article "Airway Management in Self-Inflicted Gunshot Wounds to the Face" published in Surgery in Practice and Science.  This study investigated the institutional practices for managing the airway in patients with severe facial trauma.
John Starkey (Business) was featured in episode 15 of Adlava's VegasForward Podcast, discussing his past, UNLV's impact on him, and how he hopes to help Las Vegas move forward in years to come. You can watch the video on YouTube or listen on Spotify, Apple, or Google podcasts. 
Kavita Batra (Medicine) and Manoj Sharma (Social and Behavioral Health), in association with researchers from Turkey and Italy, have co-authored an article titled, “Role of resilience in psychological adjustment and satisfaction with life among undergraduate students in Turkey: A cross-sectional study” in the Journal of Health and Social Sciences…
Danica G. Hays (Education) recently published the second edition of the text, "Qualitative Research in Education and Social Sciences" through Cognella Publishing. The text provides readers with an in-depth guide on planning, conducting, and reporting qualitative research to inform multiple education, clinical, and other social sciences professions…
Lung-Chang Chien (Epidemiology and Biostatistics), Aurora Holloway (Epidemiology and Biostatistics), Max Gakh (Environmental and Occupational Health), and Courtney Coughenour (Environmental and Occupational Health) published a research article titled "A novel gun law strength index and influential state gun laws for firearm homicide in the United…
Kavita Batra (Medicine) and Manoj Sharma (Social and Behavioral Health) have coauthored an interdisciplinary article titled, “Animal-assisted interventions and post-traumatic stress disorders in military and veterans: A systematic review of the literature” in association with researchers from Italy, Canada, Poland, and the United States in the…
Yeunkyung Kim (Healthcare Administration and Policy) was the lead author of "The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Health Care Utilization Among Insured Individuals With Common Chronic Conditions" in the August 2022 issue of the journal Medical Care. The article discusses the COVID pandemic and its significant impact on the U.S. health care…

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