University Honors Program
The University Honors program (UH) delivers the comprehensive Honors College experience to students from any major throughout all of their undergraduate years. UH students complete our innovative Honors core curriculum – an exclusive array of advanced, thought-provoking courses – in place of UNLV’s standard general education requirements. This program is primarily designed for incoming freshmen but can accommodate transfer and continuing students.

Research and Creative Honors Program
The Research and Creative Honors program (RH) gives undergraduate students the opportunity to undertake a special project culminating in a senior thesis within their major discipline. RH students also complete a set of our 400-level seminars. This program is particularly suitable for transfer students, as well as for continuing UNLV students who have completed the bulk of their general education courses. University Honors students can choose to complete RH and graduate with two Honors distinctions.

Service-Learning Honors Program
The Service-Learning Honors Program (SH) is designed to provide high-achieving students with an opportunity to complete a nine-month-long engagement in a service-learning project(s) while also taking a set of our 400-level seminars. This program is particularly suitable for students who earn an AA degree prior to enrolling at UNLV, to transfer students from other universities, as well as continuing UNLV students who have completed the bulk of their general education courses
In order to remain in good standing in the Honors College, students must meet the college’s criteria described in the Undergraduate Catalog.