The Office of Research Integrity – Human Subjects seeks to safeguard the rights and welfare of human subjects involved in research conducted by UNLV faculty, staff, and students. The office assists and supports the UNLV Institutional Review Boards (both the Social/Behavioral Sciences and Biomedical Sciences IRBs) in their efforts to:

  • Ensure that subjects are adequately informed of the nature of the study.
  • Ensure that subjects’ participation is voluntary.
  • Ensure that the benefits of a study outweigh its risks.
  • Ensure that the risks and benefits of the study are evenly distributed among the possible subject populations.
  • Suspend and report human subjects research activity that violates regulations, policies, procedures, or an approved protocol.

The UNLV Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) has been awarded full Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs (AAHRPP) accreditation. AAHRPP promotes high-quality, ethically sound research through an accreditation process that helps organizations worldwide strengthen their HRPP. AAHRPP uses a voluntary, peer-driven, educational model to ensure that HRPPs meet rigorous standards for quality and protection. AAHRPP accreditation offers assurances - to research participants, researchers, sponsors, government regulators, and the general public - that an HRPP is focused first and foremost on excellence.

Full Accreditation Seal


 Mailing Address

Office of Research Integrity
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Mail Stop: 1047
4505 S. Maryland Pkwy.
Las Vegas, NV 89154



 Campus Location

 Office Hours

Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.–5 p.m.


Beverly Jacobik, MPA, CIP

Research Protections Director
Mail Code: 1047

Christina Lucibella, Ph.D.

Sr. Human Research Administrator  

Muriel McGregor, MS

Senior Human Research Administrator
Mail Code: 1047
Phone: 702-895-2795

Jennifer Neelon, JD, CIP

Senior Human Research Administrator
Mail Code: 1047

Joy Ramiro, BS

Senior Human Research Administrator
Mail Code: 1047
Phone: 702-895-4225

Joanna Simmons, B.S.

Research Protections Program Coordinator
Mail Code: 1047
Phone: 702-895-2794

Nyssa Towsley, MS, CIP

Assistant Director, IRB
Mail Code: 1047
Phone: 702-895-0905