Why Rankings Matter

Prospective college students and their parents, 70 to 80 percent, use rankings as one measure to help inform their decisions about particular area of study or institution. Some rankings are based on the entire institution, and others are based on a specific degree or program.

Academic program rankings can signify a higher than average quality program, but rankings should not be the only basis for determining a college or university to attend. Other factors such as the student's area of interest, research, sports, educational goals, financial reality, location, co-curricular activities and whether the institution is recognized by an accreditation agency endorsed by the U.S. Department of Education, should all be considered.

Add a Ranking

UNLV would like to assist students and parents as they make important decisions about what college to attend and what program to study by including program ranking information in the UNLV Degrees Directory and promoting in UNLV communications efforts.

The first phase of adding this information to our website is to ask colleges, departments, and programs to assist in gathering ranking information.

Request to Post Ranking

Publicize a Ranking

To ensure program rankings are publicized in a consistent and fair manner and to verify that the source of the ranking has been seen as viable to the respective program, the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost has developed a formal process for identifying and publicizing program rankings.

How to Publicize

  1. Submit the ranking - Fill out the Request for Rankings Publication form. The request will be reviewed and approved by the Provost's office and the ranking and forwarded to University Communications if applicable.
  2. You Promote - Use communication channels you control to share your ranking.
    1. Website - add a news item or photo and cutline to your unit's homepage by submitting a work request.
    2. Newsletter - add a note to your college newsletter (print and electronic).
    3. Email - send a note to your mailing lists.
    4. Social Media - share your news or repost/retweet your ranking in your unit's social networks.
    5. UNLV Today - submit your news item to the university's daily email newsletter.
    6. F/S Accomplishment - if the ranking is connected to a faculty or staff member's professional accomplishment, submit it for publication on the faculty/staff website.
  3. We Promote - The University Communications team will publicize the ranking in the following ways.
Ranking Criteria
Ranking Tools
University or individual program in top 50 of national publication Individual communication plan outlining all of the vehicles we will use to promote the ranking. These may include:
  • UNLV News Center, UNLV Magazine, UNLV Today, UNLV websites and social media pages
  • Regent Update
  • Paid Advertising
  • Recognition event
University or individual program in top 100 of *national publication News Center, media/social, UNLV Today, Provost News, Regent Update, College/Unit page
Rankings in the categories below will be publicized appropriately after Provost review and recommendation to University Communications
Individual program ranked in top 100, or ranked at all, in national publication Provost News, College/Unit page, UNLV Today
Degree program/school ranked highly in trade/industry publication  
Degree program/school ranked in trade/industry publication  
Upward movement in ranking by a factor of 10 percent or better  

*National publication refers to a prominent and well-respected organization and/or publication (ie. U.S. News & World Report, Princeton Review, Atlantic Monthly).

Multiple programs listed in one ranking/publication (U.S. News) will be listed jointly.