Tenure and promotion are two vitally important processes for academic faculty members. Defined by the American Association of University Professors as “an indefinite appointment that can only be terminated for cause or under extraordinary circumstances,” tenure at UNLV typically is awarded at the end of an extensive process of review and evaluation. Promotion to full professor for tenured faculty, and to several possible ranks for untenured faculty, is a recognition of excellence and achievement.
University Tenure and Promotion Policies
View the Tenure and Promotion Guide.
The tenure and promotion (T&P) processes at UNLV are prescribed in key system and university policy documents:
- Board of Regents Handbook, particularly:
- Title 2, Chapter 3: "Tenure for University Faculty"
- UNLV Bylaws, particularly:
- Chapter 1, Section 4: "Faculty Organization"
- Chapter 3, Section 9: "Faculty Personnel Files"
- Chapter 3, Section 16: "Guidelines and Standards for Tenure, Promotion, or Appointment to Academic Rank"
- UNLV Flexibility of Pre-Tenure Probationary Period Policy
Additional relevant policies include department/unit and college/school tenure and promotion standards included within unit bylaws.
The Board of Regents Handbook provides limited policy guidance on the matter of promotion decisions for nontenure-track faculty. As such, the key policy document for the promotion of research faculty is the UNLV Bylaws, particularly:
- Chapter 3, Section 9: "Faculty Personnel Files"
- Chapter 3, Section 18: "Guidelines for Rank 0 and Unranked Positions"
Additional relevant policies include department/unit and college/school promotion standards for nontenure-track faculty included within unit bylaws.
The mid-tenure and mid-promotion review processes for tenure-track and non- tenure track academic faculty, respectively, consist of evaluations at the department- and college-level only and are conducted through UNLV Folio. Since neither review process involves evaluation at the university- or provost-level, there are no university-level forms required by the provost's office. For convenience, evaluation forms at the department- and college-level have been created in UNLV Folio. Departments and colleges may opt to use their own evaluation forms based on internal needs, as long as they conform to unit bylaws and unit tenure and promotion standards. In these circumstances, departments and colleges need to contact the Office of Faculty Affairs prior to the semester of review to update the review workflow in UNLV Folio.
Tenure and/or Promotion Recipients
Congratulations to the 2024 tenure and/or promotion recipients commencing on July 1, 2024.
The promotion and tenure process is managed by the Office of Faculty Affairs. Questions regarding the process can be directed to facultyaffairs@unlv.edu or to a member of the Office of Faculty Affairs staff.
Gary Totten, Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
Phone: 702-895-0043
Email: gary.totten@unlv.edu
Allison Sahl, Director of Faculty Services
Phone: 702-895-4890
Email: allison.sahl@unlv.edu