The Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) requires all faculty members to be evaluated in writing at least once annually. At UNLV, all full-time academic faculty members (including faculty-in-residence and lecturers) are evaluated for the calendar year (January 1 through December 31) during the first three months of the following year.
The content on this website is designed to assist faculty, evaluators, and administrative staff and ensure that evaluations are completed in a thorough and timely manner. The current evaluation process is fully electronic and carried out through UNLV Folio.
Questions regarding the evaluation process for academic faculty should be directed to
Annual Evaluation General Timeline
The annual evaluation process occurs within UNLV Folio.
- December
- Faculty member ensures all activities are up to date for the current year (January 1-December 31).
- January
- Faculty member reviews/regenerates their Faculty Annual Achievement Report (FAAR) and submits their case for supervisor review
- February
- Supervisor completes the Faculty Annual Evaluation Report form and reviews it with the faculty member.
- Resource: Annual Evaluation Training for Reviewers
- Faculty member acknowledges the receipt of their Annual Evaluation Report by completing their sign-off.
- Resource: Annual Evaluation Training for Faculty
- Supervisor completes the Faculty Annual Evaluation Report form and reviews it with the faculty member.
- March 1 - March 15
- Dean reviews the Annual Evaluation Reports, provides their sign-off, and sends the cases forward to the Office of Faculty Affairs
- March 15
- Due date for deans to submit the Annual Evaluation Reports to the Office of Faculty Affairs
- June 1
- Deadline to download (and save) the fully executed annual evaluations from UNLV Folio before the cases are closed. The fully executed annual evaluation record consists of the following sections:
- Annual Evaluation Report with the Chair/Supervisor Sign-Off
- Faculty Member Sign-off
- Dean Sign-Off
- Other items, if applicable (for example, rejoinder and/or peer review materials)
- Deadline to download (and save) the fully executed annual evaluations from UNLV Folio before the cases are closed. The fully executed annual evaluation record consists of the following sections:
Based on NSHE requirements, all deans, vice provosts, and vice presidents must be evaluated annually by their supervisor. Additionally, UNLV policies require executive-level administrators to undergo a comprehensive 360-degree review every three years that incorporates feedback from faculty and staff in the unit as well as from other internal and external stakeholders. Below is the schedule for the three-year review of deans, vice provosts, and vice presidents who report to the Executive Vice President and Provost.
Process Workflow
The standard unit-level and university-level review processes, along with variations due to a request for peer review or submission of a written response/rejoinder, are described below:
Disagreement Process
If you are an academic faculty member and disagree with your evaluation, you can submit a rejoinder and/or request a peer review. The following are described in alignment with UNLV Bylaws (Chapter III, Section 8):
Submit a Rejoinder
Must be submitted within 30 calendar days of your review.
A rejoinder is a statement provided by the faculty member that describes why they disagree. To file a rejoinder, faculty members must use the link below. The Office of Faculty Affairs will attach the rejoinder submitted through this link to the faculty member's case in UNLV Folio.
Request a Peer Review
When a faculty member requests a peer review, a committee is convened by the dean to review the annual evaluation case. This committee reviews the materials and submits a report recommending to either uphold or change the supervisor’s original evaluation. The committee must complete their review by the end of the faculty member's contract period. The Office of Faculty Affairs will attach the Peer Review request and the committee's recommendation to the faculty member's case in UNLV Folio.
Peer Evaluation File
Faculty members requesting a Peer Review have 30 days from notification to establish a Peer Evaluation File to include materials they judge to be pertinent to the matter being evaluated. Departments should establish categories of evidence to be included. The department and higher levels of review should use this file in addition to other sources.
NSHE Code and UNLV Bylaws
The UNLV annual evaluation process is governed by the NSHE Code (Title 2, Chapter 5.12-13) and the UNLV Bylaws (Chapter III, Section 8.1-8.5). According to these policies:
- Tenure-track and untenured faculty are to be ranked using the four-point scale of “Excellent,” Commendable,” “Satisfactory,” and “Unsatisfactory.” Since 2007, the practice at UNLV has been for tenured faculty to be evaluated on a two-point scale of “Satisfactory” and “Unsatisfactory.”
- As part of the evaluation of all tenure-track faculty, the department chair/director is asked to initial that he or she has met with the tenured faculty and incorporated into the evaluation the sense of the tenured faculty on the progress of the candidate toward tenure and promotion.
- A chair/director who identifies unsatisfactory performance or finds significant need for improvement in the written evaluation of an academic faculty member must include a remediation plan for improvement.
Related Links
The academic faculty annual evaluation process is managed by the Office of Faculty Affairs. Questions regarding the evaluation process can be directed to