In The News: Nevada Institute for Children's Research and Policy

A Children's Day celebration took place at City Hall on Sunday. City Council and North Las Vegas Mayor Pamela Goynes-Brown hosted several children in partnership with the UNLV Nevada Institute for Children's Research and Policy.

Both Schools of Public Health in Nevada aim to reduce leading causes of childhood death, abuse, neglect and other challenges

Saturday's free event, held in collaboration with the Nevada Institute for Children's Research and Policy at UNLV, took place at the North Las Vegas Alexander Library.

UNLV’s Nevada Institute For Children’s Research and Policy sponsors the “Strong Start Clark County” Youth Mayor program.
“Ialways tell people, it took 40 to 50 years to get where we are,” pediatrician Steven Shane said while discussing childhood and adult obesity in Nevada and throughout the U.S. “We can’t expect to turn the tide and get back to where weight status was in the 1970s overnight.”

Last week in Las Vegas, a 3-year-old child was found sleeping in the hallway of a hotel. A 2-year-old was found wandering around an apartment complex unsupervised.

Local charities and organizations understand this is a tough time for parents, and there are resources available for those struggling to raise and take care of their children.
”Growing a Better Tomorrow for All Children, Together,” is this year’s motto for Child Abuse Prevention Month.

The number of licensed child care providers is down 8% from pre-pandemic levels, according to new numbers from the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services.

Federal authorities are investigating whether pepper spray has been used illegally against children housed at two of Nevada’s most secure youth facilities, officials said Thursday.

Federal authorities are investigating whether pepper spray has been used illegally against children housed at two of Nevada’s most secure youth facilities.

Federal authorities are investigating whether pepper spray has been used illegally against children housed at two of Nevada’s most secure youth facilities, officials said Thursday.