In The News: Brookings Mountain West

Las Vegas Sun

Nevada’s most substantial look yet at economic development has produced an ambitious road map for diversifying the economy.

Las Vegas Sun

A new report aimed at guiding Nevada out of its economic abyss delivers the bad news first.

Vegas Inc

For all the talk of economic diversity, consider that there is a nondescript warehouse in town with contents so vital to the operations of American businesses and government that it is protected by guards armed with assault rifles.

Business Wire

Ten clusters consisting of 23 “megapolitan areas”—networks of metropolitan centers fused by common economic, physical, social, and cultural traits [Eds. see attached map]-- are the emerging economic engines of the U.S., with substantial growth predicted in population, construction and jobs in the next 30 years.

Las Vegas Sun

A foreclosure-riddled neighborhood in east Las Vegas was a fitting backdrop for President Barack Obama to discuss his plan to help some of the nation’s homeowners who have been financially decimated by the real estate crisis.


As part of a deal to reduce the nation's deficit, Congress created a "super committee" tasked with finding $1.2 trillion in cuts over the next ten years. With those cuts could come reduced funding for state programs that rely on federal money. The Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction as it is officially known, has been working since September but has been pretty quiet about what's going on.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Western states are becoming more urban and diverse, with an influx of Hispanic, Asian and young voters who tend to vote against Republican candidates, according to political strategists who spoke Monday at a Democratic conference.


With a "lost decade" hanging over the region's economy, the "Sun Corridor" from Prescott to Tucson will grow more slowly and draw at least 900,000 fewer people than originally forecast, experts say.

mLive Media Group

In a twist to notions of race identity, new 2010 census figures show an unexpected reason behind a renewed growth in the U.S. white population: more Hispanics listing themselves as white in the once-a-decade government count.


Las Vegas continues to struggle with how to climb out of the current economic crisis. The numbers are overwhelming and all too familiar. The highest foreclosure rate, lowest graduation rate, tops in unemployment and a struggle with diversification.

Vegas Inc

Yes, things are bad — really bad — out there. But, if Las Vegas follows the long road home, it will come out on top this time, too.

Las Vegas Sun

We have myriad problems facing our community today, but none greater than economic development.