Accomplishments: College of Fine Arts

Dale Melgaard (Film) has received a nomination for the script, The Phatman, at the New Delhi Film Festival.
Katrina Liu (Teaching and Learning) and Richard Miller (School of Music), together with their colleague Michael K. Thomas (Educational Psychology, University of Illinois, Chicago), published a new book, Preparing White Teachers for Anti-Racist Education: Critical Reflection and Generativity for Transformative Praxis. This research-based guide from…
Stephen Caplan's (Music) "Concert Review" of the Lonarc Trio's two performances at the International Double Reed Society conference was published in the Fall/Winter issue of Double Reed News, the magazine of the British Double Reed Society.
Nick Carozza (Music) will compete as a national finalist in the MTNA Young Artist Woodwind Competition. He earned this opportunity after winning the Nevada State and Southwest Regional Division of the MTNA Young Artist Woodwind competition. A second-year D.M.A. student at UNLV, Carozza has been studying oboe for 14 years and is currently a…
Dale Melgaard (Film) received a nomination as a "Finalist" for the script The Phatman at the Best Script Awards London.
On Nov. 15, Stefano Boselli (Theatre) presented his paper, “Large Production, Big History: The Actor-Network Dramaturgy of Good Bye Mister Freud through Space and Time,” during the “Big Histories: Experimental Methods for Tracking Change Across Bodies, Generations, and Geographies in Performance” Working Session at the American Society for Theatre…
From Nov. 7 to 10, Stefano Boselli (Theatre) participated in the 121st Pacific and Ancient Modern Language Association (PAMLA) Conference, “Translation in Action,” held in Palm Springs, CA. As part of his contributions, Boselli organized the Drama and Society I and II standing sessions and presented his paper, “Shipwrecked in Paradise: Expanding…
Ligia Verduga (Music) is a DMA student in the UNLV flute studio of John McMurtery. She has been invited to Sofia, Bulgaria, for the Moyse International Flute Competition on June 29, 2025, to present a lecture on her research topic "Ecuadorian Influences on the Flute Repertoire." Furthermore, the organizers of the competition have invited her to be…
Dale Melgaard (Film) has received an "Official Selection" from the Mediterranean Film Festival for the short script, The Phatman.
Double Scoop: Arts in Nevada published an article by Brent Holmes on Couper Russ Studios that features the Ripper Jordan Redux show, an exhibition of the archives of the collaborative arts group Ripper Jordan, comprising Sean Slattery (Art) and UNLV alumni James Hough and David Ryan.
Assistant professor Christina Watanabe (Theatre) was featured as a guest on the popular podcast Light Talk, co-hosted by UNLV professor emeritus Brackley Frayer. In the podcast, she discusses her academic journey, challenges she has faced in the profession, and gratitude for her collaborators.
Sean Slattery (Art) has individual and collaborative art featured in "Ripper Jordan Redux" at Couper Russ Gallery, Las Vegas in an exhibition of the archives of the collaborative art group Ripper Jordan. Ripper Jordan also features UNLV alumni James Hough and David Ryan.