Christopher Cain (PGA Management Program) successfully completed the Professional Golfers' Association's (PGA) highest level of education — the PGA master professional in executive management. The PGA master professional program was established in 1969 to recognize PGA professionals who make a significant effort to improve themselves as golf…
Tiffany Lin (Art) is featured in Issue 11 of Maake Magazine, an independent, artist-run print publication. The issue, curated by Tanya Gayer, includes 19 featured artists, each with a two-page spread. The magazine's goal is to share innovative and experimental contemporary artwork and support the expansion and reinvention of traditional…
Ryan Wirt, Adam McNeela (both Neuroscience), and James Hyman (Psychology) wrote an article, "Spatial Cognition: Prenatal Alcohol Exposure and the Memory Puzzle," which has been published in Current Biology. We navigate through space using the coordinated activity of spatially sensitive cells in the hippocampus. A new study shows that moderate…
P. Jane Hafen (English) delivered the keynote address for the John Whitmer Historical Association Conference. Additionally, her book, Essays on American Indian and Mormon History, co-edited with Brenden Rensink of Brigham Young University, won the association's award for best anthology of 2019. 
Dr. Banveet Kaur (Medicine) published her manuscript, “Artificial Intelligence Trumps TAVI2-SCORE and CoreValve Score in Predicting 1-year Mortality Post Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement” in the Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine Journal. This study of 1,055 patients utilized the Gradient Boosting Machine learning (GBM) prediction…
Jason Vaughan (Libraries) has authored a new book, "Library Privacy Policies," part of the Library Technology Reports series published by the American Library Association. This book shares results from an analysis of publicly posted privacy policies from 100 academic and public libraries across the United States. Details on data types, why…
Ivan Sandoval-Cervantes (Anthropology) is the 2020 winner of the American Anthropological Association General Anthropology Division Prize for Exemplary Cross-Field Scholarship for his article “Uncertain Futures: The Unfinished Houses of Undocumented Migrants in Oaxaca, Mexico” (2017), in American Anthropologist. In this article, Sandoval-…
David Fott (Political Science and Great Works Academic Certificate Program) wrote an essay for Constitution Day, "Natural Rights Do Not Entitle Us to Injure the Health of Others," which was published in the Nevada Independent earlier this month.
George William Kajjumba (Civil & Environmental Engineering) was selected for the 2020 Dr. Pankaj Parekh Memorial Scholarship awarded by the California-Nevada American Water Works Association. This scholarship was established in memory of Parekh, late director of water quality at the Los Angeles department of water and power, who…

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