Justin Bauzon, a fourth-year medical student, was selected as a poster finalist in the Patient Safety category, and podium winner in the high value care category during the American College of Physicians 2021 National Abstracts Competition.  Bauzon collaborated with Dr. Caleb Murphy and Dr. Sandhya Wahi-Gururaj from the…
Cheryl Abbate (Philosophy) published a paper "On the Role of Knowers and Corresponding Epistemic Role Oughts" in Synthese.
Ashok K. Singh (Hospitality) and Michelle You of Cal Poly Pomona presented the paper "Machine learning prediction of hotel booking cancelation" at the GLOSERV 2021 virtual conference jointly organized by University of South Florida and University of Naples Federico II, May 10-13. Machine learning methods are used to predict room cancellations…
Ozgur Ozdemir and Nasim Binesh (both Hospitality) are the authors of a recently published paper online in the Journal of Tourism Economics. This study examines the effect of board diversity on risk-taking for tourism firms and analyzes the moderating effect of board independence, CEO duality, and free cash flows in…
Debra L. Martin (Anthropology) was awarded NSF support ($300,611) for three years to preserve and conserve a historic mission church and cemetery in Belen, New Mexico (circa 1850). The project, "Biological Impacts of Colonial Practices: Bioarchaeological Reconstruction of Health and Demography" will use three field seasons to excavate, analyze,…
Gabriela Buccini (Environmental & Occupational Health), Katherine Marcal (Social Work), and Krystyna A. Stave (Public Policy and Leadership) recently received a R00 Pathway to Independence Award from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development at the National Institutes of Health. As part of the award, the collaborators …
Dr. Antonina Capurro (Dental) was quoted by the New York Times Magazine in an article that highlights the effects of the pandemic on oral health and creative solutions. She discussed the swift, innovative actions Nevada took to ensure oral health services were delivered to vulnerable citizens despite dental office closures to all but emergency…
Christian Jensen and Dan Lee (Political Science) published an article, "Potential Centrifugal Effects of Majoritarian Features in Proportional Electoral Systems," in the Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe. They theoretically demonstrate the conditions under which majoritarian features, such as high election thresholds or…
Steven Palazzo (Nursing) has been named to the editorial board of Nursing Education Perspectives, the research journal of the National League for Nursing, effective September 2021.

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