Louisa Messenger (Environmental & Occupational Health) is a co-author of the article, "High-throughput barcoding method for the genetic surveillance of insecticide resistance and species identification in Anopheles gambiae complex malaria vectors", in the journal Scientific Reports. Genetic barcoding of mosquitoes is a useful tool to assist…
UNLV Student Nurses Association (SNA) was named a finalist in the 2022 Governor's Point of Light Awards. The campaign annually recognizes individuals and organizations for their excellence in volunteerism throughout Nevada. UNLV SNA was named a finalist in the Nonprofit/Community Organization Volunteer Program. They will be officially…
Pricella Morris (Early Childhood, Multilingual, and Special Education) has been awarded the 2022 DEC J. David Sexton Doctoral Student Award from the Council of Exceptional Children's Division for Early Childhood. This international award is given to a doctoral student who has made contributions to young children with disabilities and their…
Tim Grigsby (Social and Behavioral Health) was awarded a pilot grant through the Texas Resource Center on Minority Aging Research (RCMAR) for a project titled "Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Non-Medical Prescription Drug Use Among U.S. Older Adults, 2015-2019." The project is a secondary data analysis of publicly available nationally…
Benjamin Burroughs (Journalism and Media Studies), Richard Johnson (Arizona State), Miles Romney (Brigham Young University), and Kia Cummings (MA graduate in Journalism and Media Studies) presented "The Rinaldi Frame: College Gameday, the NCAA, and Black Hardship" to the AEJMC annual conference from Aug. 3-6 in Detroit, MI. 
April Ursula Fox (Sponsored Programs) recently published the book Social Media Analytics Strategy: Using Data to Optimize Business Performance through Apress/Springer. She is a grant specialist as well as a PhD student in educational psychology. The book is a result of her 10 years of work in analytics. From understanding the data and…
Dak Kopec (Architecture) published the novel "Broken Boys Beyond Friendships." The novel tells the story of three young men navigating life in the early to mid-1990s. While the content is fictional, many of the situations and circumstances are based on real-life events.  
Deepal Patel, Shaun Andersen, Genesis Leon, Cynthia Lee, and Edward Simanton (all Medicine) recently published an article in the journal Cureus titled "Exploration of the Role of Relationships and Virtual Learning on Academic Performance and Mental Health." The purpose of this study was to determine if correlations exist between academic…
  Hans Rawhouser (Management, Entrepreneurship and Technology), an associate professor in the Lee Business school, won a prestigious award for his paper titled, "Does a common mechanism engender common results? Sustainable development trade-offs in the global carbon offset market." published in Academy of Management Discoveries…

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