Federick Ngo (Educational Psychology, Leadership, and Higher Education) published a study on the effectiveness of an embedded counseling and advising intervention for community college students enrolled in English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) programs. These students, most of whom were adult newcomer immigrant and refugees, were…
Deborah Arteaga (World Languages and Cultures) presented a paper on October 15, 2022, titled, "Providing Health Care to Patients in Spanish: A Pilot Training Program for Heritage Speakers," at the 79th annual conference of the South Central Modern Language Association held in Memphis, Tennessee.  
David R. Gruber (Communication Studies) published a new book titled, Splat: On throwing things and the messy politics of material protest. Published in the Intermezzo series supported by the journal Enculturation, the book examines throwing things as a form of political protest. Gruber draws on the history of rhetoric to theorize why some…
Anthony King (Psychology) received his third $3,000 research stipend award from UNLV's International Gaming Institute and the Nevada Council on Problem Gambling for his research related to disordered gambling, responsible gambling, and posttraumatic stress disorder. These funds were provided by the Nevada Department of Public and Behavioral…
Shane Kraus (Psychology) recently published three papers.  The first paper: "Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between posttraumatic stress symptoms and hypersexual behaviors among individuals who have gambled in their lifetimes" was published in Journal of Sexual Medicine.  The second paper: "Withdrawal and tolerance…
NV EPIC's grant funded project L3-Linking Latino Leaders kicked off their project October 29 at MEET Las Vegas. The event was well attended, and many of the presenters included UNLV faculty and other local leaders. The more notable guests were Congresswomen Sue Ellis, State School Superintendent Joan Ebert, Dean Danica Hayes, and CCSD Assistant…
Carrieann Cahall, Rosan Mitola, Chelsea Heinbach, and Amber Sewell (all Libraries) presented, "State of inclusivity in tutorials: a critical content analysis of tutorials provided by R1 academic libraries," at the Critical Librarianship and Pedagogy Symposium. 
On September 25, Marina Garber-Colacicchi (World Languages and Cultures) presented her latest book of poetry, The Homelandless, (Kiev, Ukraine, 2022) within the Intercultural Poetry Readings program held at Russian Samovar, New York, NY. 
Marina Garber-Colacicchi (World Languages and Cultures) participated in the Boston Poetry Readings series in tandem with Alexander Amchislavsky (Toronto, Canada) and presented her latest poetry book, The Homelandless (Kiev, Ukraine, 2022). 

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