Your son or daughter has decided to study abroad.
Study Abroad is an opportunity for your child to grow personally, interculturally, academically and professionally. Your interest and support may help immensely.
This guide is designed to help answer any questions you may have about the study abroad experience. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office at any time.
Parents' Guide
Rights of Privacy Act of 1974
The Federal Family Educations Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) affords persons who are currently, or who were formerly, in attendance at the university as registered students a right of access to their “education records,” which contain information directly related to such persons and the right to challenge the accuracy of their records. The act also restricts to whom the university may disclose a student’s educational records without the student's written permission. The university’s policy is to comply fully with all provisions of the act.
For more information related to FERPA, visit our Office of the RegistrarFERPA Basicswebpage.
While we are happy to answer any questions about our programs, the type and amount of information we can release regarding your child’s participation in our program is limited due to FERPA regulations.To obtain detailed information regarding your child’s payment account, academic status, grades, and financial aid, your child will need todesignate access to non-directory informationand enter the release through MyUNLV.
Students attending programs offered by UNLV in cooperation with the University Studies Abroad Consortium (USAC)will receive information from both UNLV and USAC. Students are given instructions on how to complete their USAC application, course registration, and visa applications through USAC. If students have difficulty at any stage, they can contact USAC or theirUNLV study abroad advisor.
It is the student’s responsibility to complete and return all required documents on time. Failure to do so may result in program withdrawal, loss of credit, denial of financial aid, and loss of awarded scholarships. Students should submit any required documents to the appropriate UNLV department by the stated deadlines or 30 days before your departure if a deadline is not available.
It is helpful to be familiar with culture shock and the effect it may have on your child. Time abroad often begins with a honeymoon phase. During this period, students are generally excited to finally be at their program site. After facing the reality of unfamiliar university procedure, living in a different culture, the daunting task of living in a country where a different language is spoken, and living with new roommates or a local family, culture shock may set in. You may hear tales of frustration as well as delight. In most cases, your son or daughter won't want you to solve the problems, just to listen and be a sympathetic audience.
As a parent, it is difficult to maintain a level of emotional distance to your child's ups and downs. However, part of the experience of study abroad it is overcoming the challenges associated with living in a foreign country. Most students rise to new levels of independence. It is important for parents to avoid the temptation to become too involved.
It is also helpful to be familiar with reverse culture shock. Most students experience some degree of reverse culture shock and need some time to readjust to coming home. In some cases, students may experience a period of depression or a longing to return abroad. If you suspect that your child needs assistance in managing the transition home, UNLV students can access services from Student Counseling Psychological Services. Students from other schools should research similar options available at their home school. Your support, interest and understanding can be very helpful during this phase. It is important to remember than study abroad can be a life-altering experience and negative feelings usually last for a very short period of time. Most study abroad students that the time they spent on a study abroad program was the best part of their college years and it still affects their perspective on life many years later. Students longing to return abroad should consider the myriad of other programs UNLV offers. UNLV has many opportunities for returning study abroad participants.
Most students experience some degree of reverse culture shock and need some time to readjust to coming home. In some cases, students may experience a period of depression or a longing to return abroad.
If you suspect that your child needs assistance in managing the transition home, UNLV students can access services from Student Counseling Psychological Services. Students from other schools should research similar options available at their home school.
Your support, interest, and understanding can be beneficial during this phase. It is important to remember than study abroad can be a life-altering experience, and negative feelings usually only last for a short period. Most study abroad students say that the time they spent on a study abroad program was the best part of their college years, and it still affects their perspective on life many years later. Students longing to go abroad again should consider other programs that UNLV offers.
Students will be given documentation containing their address abroad, and the contact information of their on-site program site. We recommended that parents keep a copy of their child’s contact information, including the on-site program director’s phone number and email address.
Previous participants can advise new students on the easiest and cheapest ways to stay in contact in that particular program site. Students can contact former USAC alumni by requesting a list from USAC. You can reach USAC toll free at 1-866-404-USAC.
Some student’s may decide to purchase pre-paid cellular phones or pre-paid calling cards at their program site. Many parents check with their phone service carrier to determine the best rate plan for calling the long-distance locations their child is planning to visit.
Students will also obtain information about the most effective ways to contact family and friends at home during the orientation here at UNLV and the mandatory orientation once they reach their program site.
Parents should not be alarmed if their child does not call them the day, they arrive at the program site. Jet lag, time differences, unfamiliar phone systems, the excitement of arriving, lack of internet access, and many other things interfere with a student remembering to call home.
In our experience, no news is almost always good news. If you are concerned, please contact UNLV study abroad advisors and we will verify that your son/daughter has arrived at the program site.
UNLV requires that all students who study abroad are at least 18 years of age, and therefore, adults. In the event of an emergency, we can only contact you if you are designated as his or her emergency contact. Discuss how you will handle any families emergencies that may arise while your son or daughter is out of the country. It is best to have a plan in place on how you can contact your son or daughter and how they can contact you in the event of an emergency. Remind your child that if there is any type of emergency in a country they visit, you want them to call home immediately.
If you will be providing financial support for your child, you should discuss how much support you can provide, and the when, where, and how you will provide that financial support. To learn more about the financial aspects of study abroad, please review program costs, review UNLV financial aid, and contact our study abroad advisors.
If your child is a vegetarian or has other specific dietary requirements, it is important to realize that it is easier to maintain special dietary requirements in some countries than others.
Happy Cow's website is a good resource for vegetarian travelers. It is helpful to research the country the student will be visiting to find out specific information regarding typical food and availability of specialty foods. In general, when traveling, flexibility is the key to happiness. When flexibility is not an option, research is a good idea.
All students should have a general physical, gynecological (women) and dental exam prior to departure. All necessary or routine medical and dental care should be completed prior to departure. If the student has any special medical needs, have him/her consult with their doctor and develop a medical plan to continue treatment while abroad. Students can speak to a study abroad advisor for additional information about health and safety on our approved programs.
If you would like to explore recommended immunizations for your child’s destination(s), information can be found at the CDC's website. Our office does not provide medical advice. Decisions regarding immunizations should be made in cooperation with an appropriate medical provider.
International Medical Insurance is required for every student who attends a UNLV sponsored study abroad program. Students participating in USAC programs are covered automatically by USAC as a part of their program. Students not on USAC programs should contact our office for information on the UNLV medical insurance requirement policy. Students cannot substitute private medical insurance for the mandatory USAC or UNLV medical insurance.
It is helpful to be familiar with the baggage regulations for your child's specific airline. UNLV encourages all students to pack lightly and within the airline's baggage limits. If your child cannot carry their luggage by themselves at the same time, please advise them to pack less.
Information on preparation and packing will be provided for students attending a USAC program during their mandatory orientations. If your student is not studying through USAC, it may be a good idea to research essential packing items for your child’s location to make sure they are bringing everything they need.
Additional information on security measures can be found at the TSA's website.
Make sure your child understands the policies that will apply to him/her while abroad. Students need to understand policies regarding earning credit, enrollment status, financial aid, fee payment, refund policies, housing, student conduct, etc.
UNLV recommends that all students register with the U.S. Department of State prior to departure.
When contacting your child or on-site program staff, it is helpful to be mindful of time difference. Many phones come with features and apps that will allow you to view the time, day, and even weather, of cities around the world. If these features or apps are not available on your phone, please view time zone information provided online.
UNLV requires all students attending UNLV sponsored programs to have a valid passport. A passport is a form of official identification issued by the government of the country where you are a citizen. Parents should also consider obtaining a valid passport in case of an emergency that would require you to travel abroad for your child.
If a visa is required, students must obtain the visa prior to departure. A visa is official permission from the location(s) a student is visiting to be in that country for a specific purpose (tourist or student) for a specific length of time. Visa requirements vary by country. If the student is on a USAC program and a U.S. citizen, visa information will be available on your student’s USAC profile. All other students should contactUNLV International Programs for more information.
You and/or your child should research travel costs. Many USAC programs offer group flights, but students are not required to take group flights. Depending on the program, students on group flights may have an escort to their program location by USAC staff. Arrival instructions will be included in the USAC materials provided to students that provide pick-up details if available. Students traveling independently need to get from the airport to the program site on their own. Your program advisor may be able to provide you with information on the best way to get to your program destination from the airport.
It could be helpful for you to have some of the following information:
Contact Information for:
- Your child (Address abroad, phone number abroad, other contact details)
- On-site Resident Director
- UNLV International Programs
- We check our messages daily when the office is closed
- USAC has a 24-hour emergency number. If you call outside of business hours, you will be routed to the emergency line via the main number.
- Study abroad office at the home school (if participant isn't a regular UNLV student)
Have Knowledge of:
- Doctors who have treated your son/daughter in the past
- The embassy or consulate nearest your student’s program
- U.S. Department of State Office of Overseas Citizen Services
- Insurance policy numbers and how to submit a claim
- Your child’s credit card numbers and phone numbers to call if cards are lost or stolen
- Your child’s passport number
- Information on how to replace a lost passport while abroad
- Your child’s Program calendar
Reminders for your child abroad:
- Request an absentee ballot if they plan to vote. You can do this by visiting the Federal Voting Assistance Program's website.
- File income taxes
- Pay monthly credit card bills
- Prepare for the next semester at their home school, including:
- Register for classes
- Arrange for housing
- Prepare forms to continue financial aid