For wet or dry spills, cuts and scrapes, chemical spills, or other minor problems, emergency supply closets are available to SEB occupants. These emergency supply closets are located in service hallways between the wet labs on each floor. They each contain first aid supplies, a chemical spill kit, a wet/dry vac, slip fall signage, and a mop and broom to help mitigate small emergencies.

Safety is of the utmost importance in the Science and Engineering Building. General laboratory safety procedures must be observed while in laboratory spaces. Information regarding lab safety can be reviewed at the Risk Management & Safety (RMS) website. Chemical hygiene training is required for all new students working in the SEB Laboratories and can be completed online through RMS. For students and faculty working in labs marked as radioactive labs, radiation safety training is required before access to these labs will be granted. Training for sealed sources, unsealed sources, and radiation producing sources are available depending on the type of work being done.

For any emergency involving life, property or health dial 911 from any UNLV phone. (Do not dial 8).

Emergency response plans can be reviewed at the RMS website.

For other small emergencies, not involving life, property or injury, which occupants may be uncomfortable handling please call the SEB administration at 774-4SEB (774-4732).