Open Discussion About Developing Jewish Studies at UNLV

The UNLV Jewish Faculty & Staff Group, in collaboration with the Office of Diversity Initiatives, invites you to a loosely structured discussion about the prospect of developing Jewish Studies at UNLV.

Although there has long been a strong presence of Jewish students and Las Vegas has a vibrant Jewish community, we have never had a Jewish studies program of any sort. We do have however a number of faculty and students who have expressed in interest, and we are proposing to begin with a blue-sky discussion of what classes might currently exist in our catalog, what sort of classes might current faculty wish to develop, what sort of classes might students be interested in taking – and what sort of learning outcomes might we set forth. The general idea is that we might move organically – i.e. from existing student interest and faculty capabilities – towards a minor or certificate or concentration. 

The discussion will be held Monday, April 8 at noon in room 208 of the Student Union

We hope that you will be able to attend and that you might encourage other colleagues or students with an interest in discussing this idea. 

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at

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