Academic Resources’ Mary Brady Retiring After 18 Years at UNLV

After more than 18 years of service, Academic Resources’ Mary Brady will retire from UNLV. Her last day on campus will be May 22, 2024.

Brady started her career at UNLV in 2006 as a budget analyst in Financial Planning, Budget & Analysis (formerly known as the Budget Office). In 2014, she became the business and finance manager for Academic Affairs, moved her skill set to Academic Resources in 2020, and assumed the challenging assignment of academic fees at the end of 2021.

Since she has declined a retirement reception, please feel free to reach out to congratulate her on this well-deserved milestone. Colleagues and friends are also welcome to come by FDH 420 anytime between May 20 - May 22 to write their well wishes in her farewell card. We will definitely miss her, but we are truly excited for her as she embarks on this new chapter in her life. We know that she is looking forward to her life ahead, which will include spending time with her family and traveling.

Thank you, Mary Brady, for your hard work, dedication and years of service.

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