Accomplishments: Women's Council

Molly Ray, Kavita Batra, Kristina Domanski, and Ashley Barrile (all Medicine) presented their study titled "From Classroom to Clinical Practice: Incorporating Child Abuse Medicine into Emergency Medicine Resident Education" at the Western Medical Research Conference, held January 16-18, 2025, in Carmel, California. Dr. Ray, a former fellow in the…
Christina Hall (Jean Nidetch Care Center) authored a chapter in The Expanding Continuum of Gender-Based Violence: Trauma-Informed Care, Volume 1 titled, "Intimate Partner Violence and Sexually Transmitted Infections."
Ann Vuong (Epidemiology and Biostatistics) coauthored a paper titled “Global metabolomic alterations associated with endocrine-disrupting chemicals among pregnant individuals and newborns," in the journal Metabolomics, along with researchers from Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Michigan, Rhode Island, Kentucky, Arkansas, Texas, Ohio, Georgia and New York…
Leslie Griffin (Law) authored a new blog post on Verdict titled, "Sexual Abuse is NOT Charitable."
Annaliese Grant (Sociology) recently published a book chapter titled, "Caring Through It: Mothers' and Daughters' Perspectives on Disability and Interdependence in Financially Struggling White Families," in the book, Disability and the Family: Challenges, Resources, and Resilience. Co-authored with a former undergraduate student, the chapter…
Candace Burton (Nursing) received the Grad Academy Champion Award from the Grad Academy in recognition of her commitment to UNLV graduate and professional students. Burton regularly supports students' professional and academic development through the Grad Academy. She will receive a conference travel award to enhance her professional development…
Tirth Bhatta (Sociology) authored a study that uses autoethnographic data obtained from the authors to examine cultural (cultural perception of care, sense of familism, care reciprocity, and gendering of care), social (use of technology), and economic factors (role of remittance) and their interactional effects on the health outcomes of older…
Margaret Harp's (World Languages and Cultures) modern English translation of Jacques Yver's Le Printemps d'Yver, Jacques Yver's Winter's Springtime, has been published by Amsterdam University Press.
Tara McManus (Communication Studies) and co-author Courtney Rilinger (Park University) published the paper, "The Influence of Attributions, Emotions, and Sexual Health Knowledge on Support Provision to Friends with Sexual Health Uncertainties," in the journal Health Communication. The results indicate that the more participants assigned blame to…
Amy Reed-Sandoval (Philosophy) presented "Feminist Antifascism in the Writings of Verónica Gago" as part of the panel "Philosophy of Social Movements" at the American Philosophical Association Eastern Division meeting in New York City.
Nataliyah Tahir, Sophie Ahmad, Kavita Batra, Ashok Gupta and Kenneth E Izuora (all Medicine) published an abstract "Assessing The Relationship Between Oral Health And Bone Disease Among Post-menopausal Women" in Journal of the Endocrine Society. Tahir and Ahmed are medical students. 
Linda Lister (Music) had her song "Ariel Ambitions," from the song cycle Pleas to Famous Fairies, performed at the Peabody Institute of the Johns Hopkins University. Soprano Hannah Winston sang the song on the concert Peabody Songbook Series: A Woman's Point of View.