News: Division of Integrated Marketing & Branding

portrait of a woman overlaid on a photo of the UNLV campus
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Working in the field of immunotherapy, Amani Makkouk’s career was set in motion by her time as a master’s student in the School of Integrated Health Sciences.

man using a camcorder
People |

The award-winning media relations specialist helps 'broadcast' UNLV's impact by connecting faculty experts with news outlets.

A portait of Hugo Silva with his two dogs, Juno and Hudson.
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The web communications specialist is here to turn your content from mid to Gucci. No cap.

The front of Rebel Copy & Send in the Student Union, with a banner that says "U.S. Passport Services Offered Here"
Campus News |

Planning some international travel? Check out the array of services being offered to help complete your passport application process.

collage of four people
Business and Community |

As Southern Nevada’s image as a mecca for professional sports continues to grow, so too do employment opportunities for UNLV graduates. 

photo illustration of young woman holding a camera next to media graphics
People |

Whether it’s photographing events like commencement or a staff portrait for your UNLV People page — the job’s a snap for this multimedia content specialist.

photo of man next to illustration of a computer monitor with digital elements on it
People |

This entertainment engineering and design alum knows all the tricks when it comes to keeping UNLV’s website accessibility-friendly.

woman posing outdoors
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This web specialist made a seamless transition from UNLV student to UNLV employee.

Portrait of Joseph Walter
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A son of Nebraska, Walter said he has "that goofy Midwest thing" that compels him to work every day.

Deana Waddell with kids playing in a pool in the background.
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Working from home has helped the web & digital strategy director balance the added demands at work with remote learning for her kids.

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Professor Elena Gandía García created a service-learning class to address the need for medical interpretation services for the Lied Pediatric Clinic and served as a mentor to colleagues.

Deborah Arteaga headshot
People |

UNLV Spanish professor Deborah Arteaga volunteers to provide valuable medical interpretation services to under-served patients.