For media inquiries, visit the Office of Media Relations website or call 702-895-3102.

Huffington Post

Just off the graveyard shift, Aaron Starks refuels with coffee in the early-morning quiet of the student union at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, steeling himself for his classes in electrical engineering.

K.N.P.R. News

Nevada was one of the states most affected by the economic downturn, which meant it also had to deal with one of the nation's worst state budget shortfalls in 2011. So what did state and local governments do well during the downturn? And what could we have done better?

Las Vegas Weekly

So there it was. Amid the single-serving shrimp cocktails, bite-sized quiche, wine, hugs, polite conversations, photo-ops, artists, writers, gallerists and well-heeled art collectors, lived the one single truth: We’ve been given another chance.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Barrick Museum to feature revived collection at grand reopening

The Gazette

Colorado Springs, plagued by high unemployment, continues to struggle to find traction in its recovery from the recession, a report by the Brookings Institution finds.

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