Articles by Shane Bevell

The (Remote) Interview: Art Gelis
As director of UNLV's radiochemistry program, Art Gelis enjoys mentoring doctoral students.

Seeing the Bigger Picture
At UNLV, astronomy Ph.D. graduate Jeremy Smallwood racks up scientific publications rather than stressing about individual grades.

UNLV Continues Research in Nuclear Science as Part of National Consortium
Radiochemistry program teaming with universities, national labs for research and development in nuclear science, engineering, and security.

The (Remote) Interview: Monika Neda
This math professor strives to find teaching methods that encourage students to enjoy math and pursue further studies.

Astronomers Discover Clues that Unveil the Mystery of Fast Radio Bursts
UNLV astrophysicist Bing Zhang contributes to understanding the physical mechanisms of fast radio bursts in three papers published in Nature.

The (Remote) Interview: Ashkan Salamat
Pressure — the highest pressure imaginable — is the name of the game for this physics professor.

UNLV Professor Helps Make Key Coronavirus Test Kit Component
Life sciences' Helen Wing and colleagues assisting Southern Nevada Health District with viral transport medium; other faculty in College of Sciences contribute protective equipment.

The Interview: Arya Udry
Studying rocks from space replaced this geoscience professor's original career choice of being an astronaut.

Exhibit Showcases the Art in Science Research
Researchers from the College of Sciences showcase the artistic side of science by featuring their most captivating research images.