Federick Ngo (Educational Psychology, Leadership, and Higher Education) published an article titled "The Impact of Course Placement in STEM Sequences on Students’ Short-Term and Longer-Term University Success Outcomes" in The Review of Higher Education with collaborators from the University of Iowa. The study explores the effects of placement in…
Eric Kawana, B.S.; Rodd Rahmani, M.D.; Scott Turnbull, D.O.; Adam Khattak, D.O.; Kenny Do, B.S.; and Aditi Singh, M.D. (all Medicine) published an article titled, "A Rare Presentation of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in a Patient With Fever of Unknown Origin" in the journal Cureus.  This case presents a 23-year-old male with a rare…
Cass Shum (Hospitality) and coauthors recently published their paper "'I was so scared I quit:' Uncanny valley effects of robots’ human-likeness on employee fear and industry turnover intentions" in the International Journal of Hospitality Management. The paper focuses on the effect of robots' appearance on employees' fear and industry…
Carlos Dimas (History) has been selected to join the editorial team of H-Environment Roundtable. The roundtables consist of 3 to 4 scholars reading and commenting on a selected new book in Environmental History, and highlighting its contribution to the field. Each year he will oversee the planning, coordination, and publication of 3 to 4…
Carlos Dimas (History) gave a talk at the Universidad Nacional de Tucumán's Instituto de Investigaciones sobre Cultura Popular in Argentina on his book, Poisoned Eden: Cholera Epidemics, State-Building, and the Problem of Public Health in Tucumán, Argentina, 1865-1908.
Iván Sandoval Cervantes (Anthropology) and Amy Reed-Sandoval (Philosophy) published "Latin American Animal Ethics" in Struggles for Liberation in Abya Yala, edited by Luis Rubén Díaz Cepeda and Ernesto Rosen Velásquez.
Ty Suksangasophon (Art), has been invited to present at the 40th PsyArt conference of psychology and the arts. He will be attending the five day event in June 2024 in Dubrovnik, Croatia, in which he will be discussing the "Synchronicity of the Painting Process" to the global attendees of professionals and academics in the field of art and…
Vidhani S. Goel, Ana L. Reyes, Bertille Assoumou, Dodds P. Simangan, Megumi Akiyama, Deborah A. Kuhls, Kavita Batra (all Medicine) with Farooq Abdulla from United Healthcare, Nevada, presented their study "Utilizing a hybrid approach to link maternal and neonatal records" at the Nevada Public Health Association Annual Conference. Batra et al.,…
Vidhani S. Goel, Ana L. Reyes, Bertille Assoumou, Dodds P. Simangan, Megumi Akiyama, Deborah A. Kuhls, and Kavita Batra (all Medicine) along with Farooq Abdulla from United Healthcare, Nevada, presented their study "Mternal substance abuse and neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) admission among Medicaid beneficiaries: a state-wide audit" at the…

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