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What Is Real Colors

What is Real Colors?

Real Colors is a four-color personality assessment and workshop designed to help people better understand themselves and each other. It creates a common language that helps improve communication and create an environment in which everyone’s motivations and perspectives are better understood.

UNLV now offers these dynamic, engaging workshops to departments and units on campus. Each fun, fast-paced workshop is facilitated by certified UNLV Real Colors facilitators. The skills learned are highly and immediately applicable to work with colleagues, family, and friends. Research conducted at Arizona State University found Real Colors to have a high reliability score for all colors.


"Real Colors helps employees recognize and appreciate different work styles, strengthening team dynamics across campus. By understanding how colleagues communicate and make decisions, participants can foster more inclusive, productive, and collaborative workplaces."

Ericka Smith, Vice President & Chief People Officer

Key Facts

  • Certified Real Colors facilitators lead sessions
  • Workshops are three hours long
  • In-person or virtual workshops are available


  • Improves communication skills
  • Enhances teamwork
  • Strengthens relationships
  • Facilitates self-discovery
  • Provides valuable insight into how others react to situations

Who’s Eligible?

Any team or campus unit with a minimum of 10 members and a maximum of 25. Units with more than 25 members will be divided into separate workshops. Units with less than 10 members may be combined in workshops with other groups.

This training is particularly useful for a team who:

  • Is looking for a tangible way to better understand each other and enhance their relationships
  • Is looking for a common language to use to help constructively engage in healthy conflict
  • Wants to better understand each other’s behaviors so they may more effectively reach their goals
  • Wants to better understand each other’s strengths so they work more efficiently as a team

Who funds Real Colors?

The team’s department or unit funds the cost of training. These costs include:

  • $18.99 per person for paper training materials
  • $23.99 for virtual training materials
  • Shipping costs for paper training materials

There is no cost for the UNLV Real Colors certified facilitator that conducts the training.

Real Colors Registration Process

Below are the instructions for the requesting department (front-end user) to schedule and register for Real Colors:

  1. Complete the Real Colors Intake Form:

    Fill out the Real Colors Intake form with your department’s details.

  2. Click the Google Calendar Appointment Link:

    Use the link provided to select a Real Colors registration date.

  3. Select a Date and Time

    Choose any available date and time from the Google Calendar appointment link that fits your schedule.

  4. Receive Confirmation

    Brenda will follow up with you to confirm your registration and provide any additional information needed.

UNLV Real Colors Facilitators

The Director of Organizational Development will pair your team with a facilitator. These UNLV employees are fully certified Real Colors facilitators:

  • Missy Arendash, Associate Director for Programs & Events, Philanthropy & Alumni Engagement
  • Arturo Baltazar, Benefits Personnel Analyst, Human Resources
  • Emily Earnest, Employee Relations Specialist, Employee Relations, Human Resources
  • Nakia Jackson-Hale, Assistant Dean of Administration, Outreach, and Engagement, School of Nursing
  • Kristen Lowrimore, Human Resource Manager, Medicine, Human Resources
  • Karlie Passey, Human Resources Business Partner Business Affairs
  • Marion Wiseman, Senior Director of Talent Acquisition & Development, Philanthropy & Alumni Engagement


“I’ve found Real Colors to be an insightful tool for enhancing self-awareness. I plan to integrate it into team-building sessions and leadership development programs to help individuals better understand themselves and others!”

Suzanne Guevarra, Senior HR Business Partner for University Police Services at UNLV

“The workshop was an eye-opening and engaging experience with fun and interactive exercises. I was able to connect with colleagues and understand a little more about my own personality and communication style. This workshop is for anyone ready to do a little self-reflection, gain practical insight to improve communications, and understand how to relate to the people around them.”

Philip Dow, Purchasing and Contracts Analyst at UNLV

“I’ve been a Real Colors facilitator for several years, and I’m always amazed at how quickly employees start applying the tools they’ve learned. Having a shared language to better understand our colleagues really makes tough conversations easier. When we grasp both our own temperaments and those of the people we work with, it can unlock new ways of communicating and collaborating, often leading to stronger camaraderie and greater openness.”

Karlie Passey, Real Colors Facilitator at UNLV

Advanced Sessions

Once your team has completed their initial workshop, advanced workshops are available. These sessions are designed to dive deeper into such topics as giving feedback, building trust, improving communication, and understanding emotional intelligence Advanced workshops include:

  • Real Colors and Feedback: This activity examines how each of the four Real Colors prefers to receive feedback so team members can effectively communicate
  • Trust: Each Real Color perceives trust differently. Learn how to create and foster a trusting environment.
  • Communication Patterns: This workshop explores the patterns of communication expressed by each of the four Real Colors in order to encourage better communication and collaboration.
  • Emotional Intelligence: Who Am I?: In this activity participants gain a foundational understanding of emotional intelligence and the importance of using Real Colors as a tool to develop personal and social emotional intelligence skills.
  • Working Together on a Project: Groups work together to complete a simple project to better understand the strengths each Primary Color brings to a team.

To set up an advanced session, please complete the Real Colors Intake Form.