Paper-Based Grading

MTELP Sections

  1. 30 min. Writing
  2. 75 min. Main (Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading)
  3. 15-20 min. Listening
  4. 10-15 min. Speaking

MTELP Grading

Writing /50
Grammar /40
Vocabulary /40
Reading /20
Raw Score /100
Listening /45
Speaking /5

TOTAL = Equated + Writing + Listening + Speaking 

  • Note the equated result is based on calculation provided from the company using your original raw score from the main part of the test (grammar, vocabulary, and reading). The max score is 100 after equated.

Adjusted final score = The total raw score divided by 2

  • The adjusted score is your overall final score for the test.

Computer Based Grading

The computer based MTELP is graded as shown below:

Listening + GVCR /100
Writing /40
Speaking /25
Total /165
  • The total is your overall final score for the test.

CaMLA Writing

This test is scored on a of scale 0-40 in the following categories: grammatical accuracy, vocabulary, mechanics, cohesion and organization, and task completion. 

CaMLA Speaking

This test is scored on a of scale of 1-25 in the following categories: task completion, vocabulary and grammar, and intelligibility and fluency.