Sep 16English Language Tutoring
The English Language Center offers a free English Language Tutoring Program open to all UNLV students. The program aims to enhance language and communication skills for individuals who speak English as an additional…
Sep 17Sports Tuesday
Sports Tuesday is all about staying active and making fitness fun with your UNLV international community! Each week, we join workout classes, do cardio together, or play sports! Meet in the lobby of the Student Recreation…
Sep 18Game Time
Make new friends and improve your English language skills in a relaxed environment while playing fun games. Enjoy snacks and win prizes!
Sep 18Mid-Week Dinner
Gather with fellow international students every Wednesday at the Dining Commons for dinner and camaraderie. Open to all UNLV students interested in building friendships and sharing cultural experiences.
Sep 19Global Thursday: Culture and Conversations with Project Wellness
Project Wellness is with Global Thursday this week to discuss how to navigate mental health through the lens of diversity and how cultural perspectives shape well-being. Visit the Project Wellness website to learn more about…
Sep 23English Language Tutoring
The English Language Center offers a free English Language Tutoring Program open to all UNLV students. The program aims to enhance language and communication skills for individuals who speak English as an additional…
Sep 24Sports Tuesday
Sports Tuesday is all about staying active and making fitness fun with your UNLV international community! Each week, we join workout classes, do cardio together, or play sports! Meet in the lobby of the Student Recreation…
Sep 25Game Time
Make new friends and improve your English language skills in a relaxed environment while playing fun games. Enjoy snacks and win prizes!
Sep 25Mid-Week Dinner
Gather with fellow international students every Wednesday at the Dining Commons for dinner and camaraderie. Open to all UNLV students interested in building friendships and sharing cultural experiences.
Sep 26Global Thursday
If you’re interested in learning a new language or delving into the rich connections between language and culture, our events are perfect for you. On all Global Thursdays, immerse yourself in diverse cultures, share your own…