The goals of the Culminating Experience are a final review, consolidation, and assessment of the UULOs, as well as the learning outcomes of the respective major, which prepare students to transition to the workplace or the next phase of their academic career.
Each major/degree program must have an identified culminating experience, which can be in the form of one or more credited course(s) and/or non-credit project(s), including:
- an original undergraduate research project, and/or
- a collaborative project that solves problems in other organizations and/or
- a design capstone, and/ or
- developing an e-portfolio of artistic or scholarly work completed over a student’s college career, and/ or
- a subject-relevant internship with an academic component, and/ or
- a subject-relevant service learning project with an academic component.
The culminating experience is to be successfully completed in conjunction with final coursework in a major area of study prior to graduation.
- Department of Accounting
- Accounting B.S.B.A.
- ACC 402-Financial Reporting II
- Accounting B.S.B.A.
- Department of Economics
- Economics, B.A.
- ECON 495 - Seminar in Economic Research
- Economics B.S.B.A.
- ECON 495 - Seminar in Economic Research
- Real Estate B.S.B.A.
- BUS 496 - Strategic Management and Policy
- Economics, B.A.
- Department of Finance
- Finance B.S.B.A.
- FIN 405 - Case Problems in Managerial Finance or FIN 419 - Portfolio Management
- Finance B.S.B.A.
- Department of Management, Entrepreneurship, and Technology
- Management B.S.B.A.
- BUS 496 - Strategic Management and Policy
- Information Systems B.S.B.A.
- IS 495 - IS Development and Management
- Entrepreneurship B.S.B.A.
- BUS 496 - Strategic Management and Policy or BUS 498 - Global Business Strategy
- Management B.S.B.A.
- Department of Marketing and International Business
- International Business B.S.B.A.
- BUS 498 - Global Business Strategy
- Marketing B.S.B.A.
- MKT 495 - Marketing Policies
- International Business B.S.B.A.
- Department of Counselor Education, School Psychology, and Human Services
- Human Services B.A.
- CED 400 - Field Experience in Human Services
- Human Services B.A.
- Department of Early Childhood, Multilingual, and Special Education
- Early Childhood Education B.S.
- ECE 491- Student Teaching in Early Childhood Education
- Special Education B.S.
- EDSP 491- Student Teaching in Special Education
- Early Childhood Education B.S.
- Department of Teaching and Learning
- Elementary Education B.A. in Education
- EDEL 481 - Elementary Supervised Student Teaching
- Elementary Education B.S. in Education
- EDEL 481 - Elementary Supervised Student Teaching
- Secondary Education B.A. in Education
- EDSC 481 - Secondary Supervised Student Teaching
- Secondary Education B.S. in Education
- EDSC 481 - Secondary Supervised Student Teaching
- Elementary Education B.A. in Education
- Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Construction
- Civil Engineering B.S. in Engineering
- CEE 498 - Civil Engineering Capstone Design
- Construction Management B.S.
- CEM 456 - Construction Management Capstone
- Civil Engineering B.S. in Engineering
- Department of Computer Science
- Computer Science B.A.
- CS 370 - Operating Systems
- Computer Science B.S.
- CS 472 - Software Product Design and Development I
- Computer Science B.A.
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Computer Engineering B.S. in Engineering
- EE 497 - Senior Design Project I
- EE 498 - Senior Design Project II
- o Electrical Engineering B.S. in Engineering
- EE 497 - Senior Design Project I
- EE 498 - Senior Design Project II
- Computer Engineering B.S. in Engineering
- Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering B.S. in Engineering
- ME 497 - Senior Design Project I
- ME 498 - Senior Design Project II
- Mechanical Engineering B.S. in Engineering
- School of Architecture
- Architecture B.S.
- AAE 482 - Architectural Design IV
- Interior Architecture and Design B.S.
- AAI 474 - Interior Design IV
- Landscape Architecture Bachelor of Landscape Architecture
- LAND 486 - Landscape Architecture Design IV
- Architecture B.S.
- Department of Art
- Art B.A.: Dependent on art concentration area: drawing, sculpture, printmaking, painting, or photography, take one of the appropriate required concentration pathways
- ART 401 - Advanced Drawing
- ART 416 - Advanced Sculpture
- ART 421 - Advanced Printmaking: Intaglio
- ART 422 - Advanced Printmaking: Lithography
- ART 432 - Advanced Painting
- ART 447 - Advanced Studio Practice: Photography
- Art B.F.A.
- ART 497 - Bachelor of Fine Arts Project
- Art History B.A.
- Please consult with an advisor
- Graphic Design and Media B.S.
- GRC 480 - Capstone
- Art B.A.: Dependent on art concentration area: drawing, sculpture, printmaking, painting, or photography, take one of the appropriate required concentration pathways
- Department of Dance
- Dance B.F.A.
- DAN 484 - Bachelor of Fine Arts Project II, Jury Exam, E-Portfolio, and solo performance
- Dance B.F.A.
- Department of Film
- Film B.A.
- Please consult with an advisor
- Film B.A.
- School of Music
- Music B.A.
- MUS 491 - Music History or MUS 492 - Special Topics: Ethnomusicology or MUS 493-Seminar: Special Topics
- Music Bachelor of Music
- MUS 499 - Senior Recital or MUS 481E and MUS 481S Student Teaching Internship (12 credits total, 6 credits each)
- Jazz and Commercial Music Bachelor of Music
- MUS 499 - Senior Recital
- Music B.A.
- Department of Theatre
- Theatre B.A.
- Please consult with an advisor
- Theatre B.A.
- Food and Beverage and Events Management Department
- Hospitality Management B.S.
- FAB 410 - Food and Beverage Culminating Experience
- TCA 410 - Meetings/Events Culminating Experience
- Hospitality Management B.S.
- Hospitality Management Department
- Hospitality Management B.S.
- FAB 468 - Food and Beverage Concept Development
- HMD 400 - Hospitality Immersive Culminating Experience
- HMD 480 - Hospitality Industry Projects Culminating Experience
- Hospitality Management B.S.
- Resorts, Gaming, and Golf Department
- Hospitality Management B.S.
- HMD 410 - Integrated Resorts Culminating Experience
- Hospitality Management B.S.
- Department of Health Physics and Diagnostic Sciences
- Comprehensive Medical Imaging B.S. in CT/MRI
- CMI 490 - Comprehensive Medical Imaging Clinical Education
- Comprehensive Medical Imaging B.S. in Ultrasound
- CMI 490 - Comprehensive Medical Imaging Clinical Education
- Comprehensive Medical Imaging B.S. in Radiography
- RAD 334 - Radiography Clinical Education V
- Health Physics B.S.
- HPS 416 - Advanced Health Physics
- Comprehensive Medical Imaging B.S. in CT/MRI
- Department of Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences
- Kinesiology B.S.
- KIN 490 - Internship in Fitness and Sports Management and KIN 475 - Seminar in Fitness and Sports Management, or
- KIN 424 Professional Development in Kinesiological Sciences
- Nutrition Sciences B.S.
- NUTR 427 - Medical Nutrition Therapy II
- NUTR 431 - Seminar in Nutrition
- NUTR 450 - Nutritional Pathophysiology (all 3 co-requisites)
- Kinesiology B.S.
- Department of Anthropology
- Anthropology B.A.
- ANTH 492 - Anthropology Internship and Professional Development
- Anthropology B.A.
- Department of English
- English B.A.
- ENG 498B - English Capstone
- English B.A.
- Department of History
- History B.A.
- HIST 451 - Capstone Research Seminar
- History B.A.
- Interdisciplinary, Gender, and Ethnic Studies
- African American and African Diaspora Studies B.A.
- IDS 495A - Interdisciplinary Studies Capstone
- Asian and Asian American Studies B.A.
- IDS 495A - Interdisciplinary Studies Capstone
- Latinx and Latin American Studies B.A.
- IDS 495A - Interdisciplinary Studies Capstone
- Multidisciplinary Studies B.A.
- IDS 495A - Interdisciplinary Studies Capstone
- Social Science Studies B.A.
- IDS 495A - Interdisciplinary Studies Capstone
- Gender and Sexuality Studies B.A.
- WMST 497 - Feminist Praxis
- African American and African Diaspora Studies B.A.
- Department of Philosophy
- Philosophy B.A.
- PHIL 483-Senior Seminar
- Philosophy B.A.
- Department of Political Science
- Political Science B.A.
- PSC 499 - Senior Seminar or PSC 490A-E - Internship (must complete 3 credits) or HON 499 - Honors Thesis/Project II (HON students only)
- Political Science B.A.
- Department of Psychology
- Psychology B.A.
- PSY 490 - Capstone in Psychology
- Psychology B.A.
- Department of Sociology
- Sociology B.A.
- SOC 489 - Capstone in Sociology
- Sociology B.A.
- Department of World Languages and Cultures
- French Concentration B.A.
- FREN 425 - Topics in French Culture
- Spanish Concentration B.A.
- SPAN 425 - Topics in Hispanic Culture
- German Concentration B.A.
- GER 425 - Topics in German Culture
- Romance Languages Concentration B.A.
- WLC 303 - Comparative Readings in Romance Languages
- French Concentration B.A.
- Nursing
- Nursing B.S.
- NURS 427 - Nursing Leadership and Transition into Practice
- Nursing B.S.
- Public Health
- Public Health B.S.
- PBH 495 - Public Health Capstone
- Healthcare Administration B.S.
- Please consult with an advisor
- Public Health B.S.
- Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
- Chemistry B.S.
- CHEM 491 - Senior Seminar in Chemistry, and CHEM 493 - Senior Research in Chemistry I, and CHEM 494 - Senior Research in Chemistry II
- Chemistry B.A.
- CHEM 491 - Senior Seminar in Chemistry, and CHEM 493 - Senior Research in Chemistry I, and CHEM 494 - Senior Research in Chemistry II
- Chemistry B.S.
- Department of Geoscience
- Geology B.S.
- GEOL 472 - Advanced Field Geology
- Earth and Environmental Sciences B.S.
- GEOG 430 - GIS Theory & Application
- Geology B.S.
- School of Life Sciences
- Biological Sciences B.S.
- BIOL 415 - Evolution
- Biological Sciences B.S.
- Department of Mathematical Sciences
- Mathematics B.A.
- MATH 457 - Real Analysis
- Mathematics B.S.
- MATH 457 - Real Analysis
- Mathematics B.A.
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Physics B.S.
- PHYS 493 - Special Problems
- Physics B.S.
- Department of Communication Studies
- Communication Studies B.A.
- COM 494 - Communication Studies Capstone or
- COM 496 - Advocacy and Change Capstone or
- COM 497 - Training and Development Capstone or
- COM 498 - Relational Communication Capstone
- Communication Studies B.A.
- Department of Criminal Justice
- Criminal Justice B.A.
- CRJ 498 - Criminal Justice Senior Assessment
- Criminal Justice B.A.
- Hank Greenspun School of Journalism and Media Studies
- Journalism and Media Studies B.A, All Concentrations
- JOUR 499 - Professional Internship
- Journalism and Media Studies B.A, All Concentrations
- School of Public Policy and Leadership
- Urban Studies B.S.
- URST 498 - Capstone in Urban Studies
- Urban Studies B.S.
- School of Social Work
- Social Work B.S.W.
- SW 495 - Capstone Seminar
- Social Work B.S.W.