Private funding is essential to the people who study, teach, and conduct research at UNLV. Gifts of all sizes matter. There are many different ways to contribute to UNLV, including cash, securities, property, and gifts-in-kind. Gifts may also be pledged through wills and estate plans.

Your gift to UNLV is tax deductible to the full extent allowable by law.

Thousands of companies and corporate foundations across the United States match their employees' gifts to nonprofit organizations such as universities — find out if your employer participates in a matching program. It’s an easy way to double and even triple the amount you’re able to contribute.

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Donor Recognition & Giving Societies

The UNLV Foundation appreciates its most loyal and generous donors! We welcome individuals, businesses, and organizations to be part of our valued giving societies. As a donor, at varying levels, you will be recognized through exclusive events, activities and special communications.

Scarlet Loyal

Alumni hold a special place in our hearts. Your donation is a vote of confidence in your alma mater. And, giving by alumni counts toward five percent of the total score used by U.S. News and World Reports to rank UNLV among its peers. Become a Scarlet Loyal donor by contributing $100 or more cumulatively each fiscal year to the fund or funds of your choice at UNLV.

Scarlet Streak

Donors who give each calendar year bank points toward their Scarlet Streak. Special recognition is given to donors at the 5, 10, 15, and 20-year anniversaries. Don’t break your streak! Be sure to contribute each year to the fund or funds of your choice.

1957 Society

The 1957 Society recognizes and celebrates individual donors who give a total of $1,000+ and corporations who give a total of $5,000 or more annually to the UNLV Fund or any unrestricted college/unit fund.

Benefactor Society

Every gift to UNLV counts...and we celebrate the impact of your cumulative giving! The Benefactor Society recognizes donors whose lifetime donations total $50,000 and above. Benefactor Society members are honored for cumulative milestone giving levels of $50,000, $100,000 (Benefactor Silver) and $500,000 (Benefactor Gold).

Palladium Society

The Palladium Society honors the influential group of donors whose philanthropy has transformed UNLV through lifetime giving of $1 million and more. New members to the 100-plus member Palladium Society are celebrated at a Fall reception and during the UNLV Foundation Annual Dinner.

Maude Frazier Society

Induction into the Maude Frazier Society is the UNLV Foundation's way of saying "Thank You!" to donors who have made provisions in their estate plans to support UNLV. Membership in the Maude Frazier Society is open to anyone making a deferred gift to the university through the UNLV Foundation, regardless of the gift amount.

G.O.L.D. (Graduates of the Last Decade)

The UNLV G.O.L.D program aims to support you in your journey to give back and nurture future leaders while providing a platform to build meaningful relationships with fellow alumni. Cumulative gifts totaling $250 or more made between July 1 and June 30 qualify a donor for UNLV G.O.L.D. recognition.