Citation Payment
Citations issued for any violation are required to be paid within 30 calendar days. Any citation fee not paid within those days is considered delinquent and the fee is automatically doubled.
Ways to Pay Citations
The easiest and most convenient way to pay your citation is by using your credit card online.
In Person at Parking & Transportation Services
Fines can be paid at Parking & Transportation Services by cash, check, or credit card during business hours.
By Mail
You can also pay for your fines by mailing the preaddressed envelope provided with your citation. Make checks payable to the Board of Regents and include the citation number on your check.
Citations and Fines
Citations are issued to those who violate the parking regulations. Any vehicle found parked at a place or in a manner prohibited or declared to be in violation of the parking regulations of stopping, waiting, or parking is declared a nuisance and may be impounded (booted) by Parking & Transportation Services or the university police. The vehicle will be surrendered to the owner, or the authorized agent of such owner, only upon payment of the necessary traffic-citation fees and/or towing and storage charges.
If your vehicle is booted or towed, contact Parking & Transportation Services at 895-1300. If the vehicle has been booted, the outstanding fees must be paid before the boot will be removed or an authorization to release a vehicle is given to the towing company. Payment can be made by cash or credit card at Parking & Transportation Services Monday-Friday, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
If the vehicle has been towed, there will also be fees owed directly to the towing company that must be paid prior to the vehicle being released. For more information on citations and fines, check the chart below.
Type of Violation | Fine |
Plate not linked/Improper display of permit | $10 |
Visitor / Pay Space Violation |
$20 |
Parked in Improper Zone | $20 |
Timed Zone | $20 |
Line Straddling | $20 |
Double Parking | $20 |
Blocking Sidewalk | $50 |
Parked on Sidewalk w/o Permit | $50 |
Parked on Lawn or Planted Area | $50 |
Red Zone | $60 |
Obstructing Traffic | $50 |
Misuse of Permit | $50 |
Designated No-Parking Area | $50 |
Non-designated No-Parking Area | $20 |
Reserved Parking | $60 |
Lack of Permit | $50 |
Possession of Stolen/Lost Permit | $200 |
Towing | $75 |
Privileges Suspended | $50 |
Fire Hydrant/Fire Lane | $100 |
Handicapped | $250 |
Counterfeiting or Copying Permit | $500 |
Boot Tampering Fee | $200 |
Boot Fee | $60 |
Faculty/Staff Parking | $20 |
Student Parking | $20 |
Motorcycle Parking | $20 |
Patient Parking | $20 |
Preschool Parking | $20 |
Resident Reserved Parking | $60 |
Thomas and Mack VIP Parking | $20 |
Vendor Parking | $20 |
License Plate Not Visible | $10 |
Vehicle Not Charging | $40 |
Improper Crossing of EV Charger Cords | $60 |
Penalties for Nonpayment of Fines
If you do not pay your parking ticket within 30 days, the fine automatically doubles. Once a driver has accumulated $50 in parking fines, there are several courses of action that can be taken, including:
- A hold being placed on the driver's name that will prohibit the driver from registering for classes or receiving grades and/or transcripts until the fine is paid. (This applies to students only.)
- A red warning sticker being placed on the driver's side window of the vehicle. If that sticker is disregarded and the vehicle is parked on campus again, the vehicle will be impounded (booted) and the driver's privileges revoked.
- If the boot is disregarded, the vehicle will be towed at the owner's expense without notice.
Citations Appeal
Any citation issued or any fee charged which is not delinquent may be appealed online or in writing, on an official appeal form but only after a deposit equal to the citation fee or other charge has been made. The appeal will then be scheduled for review.
If the appeal is granted, the deposit will automatically be refunded to the depositor. If the appeal is denied, the deposit will automatically be used to pay the fine. Failure to make a timely appeal waives the right of appeal. Appeals must be made within thirty (30) calendar days from date of citation. No delinquent citation or fee will be considered for appeal.