Congratulations on your decision to study abroad!

Financial aid is an important element of the study abroad experience for many students. Most of our students receive some sort of assistance. In general, most students may qualify for some type of aid, generally loans, even if they aren't considered "financially needy." Student Financial Services considers your expected expenses in determining your eligibility for aid. If you are attending UNLV (or your home school) as an in-state student and living with your parents, your expenses may be relatively low, if you are an out-of-state student living in the residence halls (or studying abroad on one of our programs) your expenses may be higher. You may be eligible for more aid or different types of aid to study abroad than you would be eligible to receive if you were to stay at UNLV or your home school. Many non-UNLV students studying abroad and enrolling through UNLV apply for financial aid through UNLV.

Non-UNLV Students

Many non-UNLV students who study abroad through UNLV receive financial aid from their home school. If you are currently attending a school other than UNLV and planning to study abroad, contact the financial aid office at your home school to determine if they will disburse your financial aid. If your school will disburse your aid and requires a "Consortium Agreement" please send it directly to our office. If your school will not disburse your aid and you would like to apply for financial aid through UNLV, please contact our office for further information.

UNLV International Programs Scholarships

Scholarships are available to qualified students from the Office of International Programs for UNLV sponsored study abroad programs (including USAC programs). Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale. UNLV's International Programs & USAC Scholarships are based on academic merit, an essay, and participation in a UNLV sponsored study abroad program. Scholarship applications are due in February for summer or fall scholarships and in October for spring scholarships. The exact application deadlines vary and are printed on the scholarship application form.

Scholarships awards are based on the estimated cost of the study abroad program and how your application is "ranked" by the scholarship committee. Scholarships cannot exceed 50% of the expected cost of the program. Please submit a scholarship application for each term you intend to study abroad. Applications are available from the Office of International Programs or online. Applications must be received in the UNLV Office of International Programs no later than 5 p.m. P.S.T. on the deadline day. Late applications will not be accepted.

UNLV International Programs Scholarships are contingent upon successful completion of the study abroad program and continued eligibility for scholarships. Students who do not attend study abroad programs, withdraw from the program prior to the end of the term, fail to complete enough credits to be considered “full-time” for the enrollment period or change their enrollment to “audit” may be required to reimburse the amount of their scholarship to the UNLV International Programs Scholarship Fund.

Students must also be aware that there is a maximum amount of aid each student can receive each academic term. If you are awarded a scholarship and your “awards” exceed the maximum amount allowed, your other financial aid may be reduced accordingly. If you think this may be a problem for you, please consult the Financial Aid & Scholarships office for more information. It is also recommended that you speak to financial aid staff, 702-895-3424, for more information about receiving financial aid through UNLV. Other UNLV administered scholarships applicability to study abroad programs is determined by policies established by the Financial Aid & Scholarships office and the funding source of the scholarship. Please contact the Financial Aid & Scholarships office for more information.

Graduate Research, MFA, Independent Programs

In order to apply for a UNLV International Programs Scholarship, you must submit a detailed plan of study (what you are doing, where and why), a letter from your academic advisor showing support and approval of your plan of study and an estimated budget of expenses along with your scholarship application. A worksheet for establishing your budget is available from the Office of International Programs. Students participating in research programs or MFA study must be out of the U.S. for a minimum of 4 weeks and be enrolled for academic credit at UNLV for the research performed.