Human Resources Business Teams
HR Business Team 1 HR Business Team 2 HR Business Team 3 HR Business Team 4

Julie Konkol

Talent Acquisition
Ping Guo

ADA Accommodations
Austin Connell

Kim Dawes

Talent Acquisition
Vanessa Mota

ADA Accommodations
Austin Connell

Diane Mendolla

Talent Acquisition
John McElrath

ADA Accommodations
Austin Connell

Ashley Finnell

Talent Acquisition
Patricia Gatlin

ADA Accommodations
Austin Connell

  • Academic Resources
  • Human Resources
  • Faculty Senate
  • General Counsel
  • Intercollegiate Athletics/TMC
  • President/University Support
  • National Athletic Association
  • Philanthropy & Alumni Engagement
  • College of Liberal Arts
  • Faculty Affairs
  • Information Technology
  • Integrated Health Sciences
  • School of Nursing
  • School of Public Health
  • William S. Boyd School of Law
  • College of Education
  • College of Sciences
  • Decision Support
  • Diversity Initiatives
  • Government Affairs
  • Graduate College
  • Greenspun College of Urban Affairs
  • Howard R. Hughes College of Engineering
  • Integrated Marketing
  • Lee Business School
  • Lincy Institute/Brookings Mountain West
  • Top Tier Initiatives
  • William F. Harrah College of Hospitality
  • Academic Programs
  • Academic Success Center
  • College of Fine Arts
  • Honors College
  • Provost Admin Support
  • Research
  • Economic Development
  • Student Affairs
  • Undergrad Education & Student Success
  • Library
School of Dental Medicine Educational Outreach University Libraries Business Affairs

Diane Mendolla

Talent Acquisition
John McElrath

Kim Dawes

Talent Acquisition
Ping Guo

Ashley Finnell

Talent Aquisition
Patricia Gatlin

Diane Mendolla

Talent Acquisition:
Karlie Passey
Heather Stinnett

Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLV Police Services FMLA/Absence Management  

Kim Dawes

Talent Acquisition
Yvette Murray

Kim Dawes

Talent Acquisition
Kelly Scherado

Deidre Chargualaf
Temp Hire & HCM Support Teams
Temp Hire & HCM Support Team 1 Temp Hire & HCM Support Team 2 Temp Hire & HCM Support Team 3 Temp Hire & HCM Support Team 4

Amber Kotula


Jared Nitz

Personnel Analyst 2

Natesse West Melendez

Personnel Analyst 2

Imelda Corral

Personnel Analyst 1

  • Academic Resources
  • Compliance/Title IX/EEO
  • Faculty Affairs
  • General Counsel
  • Human Resources
  • Intercollegiate Athletics/TMC/National Athletic Assocation
  • Philanthropy & Alumni Engagement
  • President/University Support
  • Provost Adminstration Support
  • Academic Affairs
  • College of Fine Arts
  • College of Liberal Arts
  • Economic Development
  • Greenspun College of Urban Affairs
  • Integrated Marketing and Branding
  • Research
  • Student Affairs
  • University Libraries
  • William S. Boyd School of Law
  • College of Education
  • Decision Support
  • Digital Transformation and Information Technology
  • Diversity Initiatives
  • Health Affairs/Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine
  • Lincy Institute and Brookings Mountain West
  • School of Dental Medicine
  • School of Integrated Health Sciences
  • School of Nursing
  • Summer Team
  • College of Sciences
  • Government & Community Engagement
  • Graduate College
  • Honors College
  • Howard R. Hughes College of Engineering
  • Lee Business School
  • School of Public Health
  • Space Management
  • Strategy and Strategic Initatives
  • William F. Harrah College of Hospitality

Karlie Passey
Senior Human Resources Business Partner

  • Business Affairs

Kelly Scherado
Senior Human Resources Business Partner

  • Police Services

Kim Shamley
Senior Human Resources Business Partner

  • Student Affairs
Employee Relations Business Teams
Employee Relations Team 1 Employee Relations Team 2 Employee Relations Team 3 Employee Relations Team 4

Catherine Baker

  • Academic Resources
  • Compliance/Title IX/EEO
  • Faculty Affairs
  • Faculty Senate
  • General Counsel
  • Philanthropy & Alumni Engagement
  • President/University Support
  • Provost Administration Support

Emily Earnest
Senior Employee Relations Specialist

  • Academic Success Center
  • College of Business
  • College of Engineering
  • College of Sciences
  • Decision Support
  • Educational Outreach
  • Government Affairs
  • Graduate College
  • Integrated Marketing
  • Lincy Institute/ Mountain West
  • Senior Vice Provost
  • Top Tier Initiatives

Allyson Alexander
Employee Relations Specialist

  • College of Education
  • College of Urban Affairs
  • Integrated Health Sciences
  • Office of Information Technology
  • Research and Economic Development (VPRED)
  • School of Dental Medicine
  • School of Medicine
  • School of Nursing
  • School of Public Health

Catherine Baker

  • Academic Programs
  • College of Fine Arts
  • College of Hospitality
  • Diversity Initiatives
  • Honors College
  • Intercollegiate Athletics/TMC/National Athletic Association
  • Law School
  • Liberal Arts
  • Library
  • Undergraduate Education & Student Success (Online Education)

Karlie Passey
Senior Human Resources Business Partner

  • Business Affairs
Talent Acquisition
Vanessa Mota

Kelly Scherado
Senior Human Resources Business Partner

  • Police Services

Kim Shamley
Senior Human Resources Business Partner

  • Student Affairs
Compensation and Classification Teams
Compensation Team 1 Compensation Team 2 Compensation Team 3 Compensation Team 4

Damaris Aguirre
Assistant Director

  • Academic Resources
  • Compliance/Title IX/EEO
  • Faculty Affairs
  • General Counsel
  • Philanthropy & Alumni Engagement
  • President/University Support
  • Intercollegiate
  • Athletics/TMC/National Athletic Association

Elizabeth Nunez
Senior Compensation/Classification Analyst

  • College of Liberal Arts
  • Faculty Affairs
  • Information Technology
  • Integrated Health Sciences
  • School of Nursing
  • School of Public Health
  • William S. Boyd School of Law
  • Lincy Institute/ Brookings Mountain West
  • Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine

Barbara Henderson
Principal Compensation/Classification Analyst

  • College of Education
  • College of Engineering
  • College of Hospitality
  • College of Sciences
  • Decision Support
  • Diversity Initiatives
  • Government Affairs
  • Graduate College
  • Integrated Marketing
  • Top Tier Intiatives
  • School of Dental Medicine

Carly Falconer
Senior Compensation/Classification Analyst

  • Academic Programs/ Graduate College/ Senior Vice Provost
  • Academic Success Center
  • College of Business
  • College of Fine Arts
  • College of Urban Affairs
  • Educational Outreach
  • Honors College
  • Integrated Marketing
  • Provost Administration Support
  • Research and Economic Development (VPRED)
  • Library
  • Undergraduate Education & Student Success (Online Education)

Kelly Scherado
Senior Human Resources Business Partner

  • Police Services

Karlie Passey
Senior Human Resources Business Partner

  • Business Affairs

Kim Shamley
Senior Human Resources Business Partner

  • Student Affairs