Prompt Engineering and ChatGPT: Maximizing Utility and Minimizing Risk


Oct. 25, 2023, 1pm to 2pm

Campus Location

Office/Remote Location

Pioche Room


Unlock the full potential of generative AI in academic settings by mastering the art of prompt engineering with ChatGPT. This workshop, facilitated by Kevin Sebastian, Teaching & Learning Librarian for Online Education, will guide you through techniques to optimize prompts for more accurate and insightful outputs, while discussing ethical considerations in AI interactions.

You will learn how the phrasing and structure of a prompt can significantly influence the generated content, affecting its accuracy, tone, and depth, and explore ethical dimensions related to prompt engineering, such as avoiding bias in AI-generated content and ensuring responsible use in academic environments. The workshop includes a hands-on session to create and test your own custom prompts designed for specific academic applications, from research to essay-writing.

Attendance at AI and You is suggested, but not required. 

A Rebel+ Libraries Workshop Series event. 

Admission Information

This workshop is free and open to all.


Contact Information

University Libraries
Kevin Sebastian

External Sponsor
