

Oct. 19, 2023 - Nov. 11, 2023, 8am to 5pm
Show Recurring Dates

Campus Location

Office/Remote Location

Art Gallery, Second Floor
Wide shot of the "Introductions" exhibitions on the second floor of the UNLV Student Union


The Student Union Art Gallery presents “Introductions,” an exhibition of new artwork by the 2023-24 UNLV bachelor of fine arts cohort. Over the past summer, this group of incoming BFA students began their year probing anew the investigations that earned their acceptance into the BFA program. The impressive work on display ranges from paintings to photography, from fiber to found objects.

This year’s cohort includes the following students:

  • E. A. Adams
  • Lily Brechan
  • Haide Calle
  • Daniela Castaneda
  • McKenzie Easter
  • Maitlyn Holloway
  • Max Krosta
  • Tammy Martinez
  • Mimsy
  • Ellie Rush
  • Lane Sheehy
  • Alize Stallworth.

The Student Union Art Gallery is located on the second floor of the UNLV Student Union above the Food Court, and the gallery is open the hours of the Student Union.


No charge for admission.

Admission Information

Free and open to the public.

Contact Information

HFA 145C
Jerry Shefcik

External Sponsor

Donna Beam Gallery, Student Union, Department of Art


Open to All