Healing Through Connections: Heal Your Inner Child Day
Campus Location
Office/Remote Location
Join the Care Center for our Fall Healing Through Connections Event: Heal Your Inner Child Day, where we are cultivating a space to embrace our inner child through self-compassion, silliness and fun! Come join us for activities such as, writing letters to our younger selves, sensory bins, coloring, eating yummy snacks and more.
In collaboration with UNLV's Alternative Breaks, this event is open to UNLV, CSN & NSC students as well as community folks. This event is free to participate in and is a space free of judgment or expectations. Embracing our inner child work can be a great form of healing to help us understand ourselves, process our emotions and allow us to play again.
Supplies will be provided, but you are more than welcome to bring your own.
Admission Information
This event is open to UNLV, NSC and CSN students.
Please RSVP for the event.