D.E.I. Diverse Equal Inclusive exhibition


Jul. 25, 2023, 9am to 4pm
Show Recurring Dates

Campus Location

Office/Remote Location

Donna Beam Gallery, HFA 145


D.E.I. Diverse Equal Inclusive

The Donna Beam Gallery presents the exhibition, "D.E.I." featuring an array of artworks expressive of a diverse view of humankind by an equally diverse assembly of artists. DEI is commonly expressed as Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, but for this exhibition it is simply restated as Diverse, Equal, Inclusive. The theme of "D.E.I." is to extend beyond the workplace and into the whole of society, in that all people should be regarded equally regardless of gender, ethnicity or other group affiliation. Works in the exhibition celebrate a diverse range of individuals with diverse approaches to their portrayal, all of which is a reflection of who we are. There are 23 artists represented with paintings, drawings, photographs, mixed media and fabric pieces. The majority of the artworks have been generously loaned from the Marjorie Barrick Museum of Art Collection with additional pieces coming from area artists.

(Installation view: from left to right, Lyssa Park, JK Russ, Clarity Haynes, Wendy Kveck)


No charge for admission

Admission Information

Free and open to the public

Contact Information

Donna Beam Gallery, HFA 145
Jerry Schefcik

More info on this event

External Sponsor

Donna Beam Gallery, Marjorie Barrick Museum of Art, Department of Art, College of Fine Arts


Open to All