Anthro Proseminar Series: "Urban Life in the Ancient Maya City of Palenque"
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Speaker: Lisa M. Johnson, Ph.D., UNLV
In the fifth installment of the weekly Proseminar Series, hosted by the Department of Anthropology, Lisa Johnson will be discussing on-going archaeological research at the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Palenque in México. A city that has been made famous with the discovery of royal tombs, extensive art, and monuments. Being the subject of intense interest for centuries.
However, less is known about the lives of the non-royal Maya of Palenque. Johnson and her colleagues consider how repeated social practices were part of daily life for the inhabitants of a Palenque neighborhood during its heyday, from AD 450-800.
Much remains to be learned about the characteristics of Palenque's neighborhoods, their organization, and internal diversity (as a reflection of an urban community). Join us to learn more about recent investigations into city clusters that have revealed citywide practices indicated of a shared urban identity and diversity within individual households, revealing a heterogenous urban landscape.
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