The Writing Center is updating and adding to its library of handouts! If you are feeling stuck, but are not ready to make an appointment yet, see if these will help. We have several updated handouts that are available to download below.
You can obtain copies of the older versions of handouts that we have yet to update by selecting the ones you need through our request box at the end of the page. Simply indicate which handouts you're interested in, and we'll send them to you via email.
- Abstracts
- Academic Tone
- Active and Passive Voice
- Analyzing Texts
- Annotated Bibliographies
- APA Formatting for Google Docs
- APA In-Text Citations 7th Edition
- APA Reference Page 7th Edition
- APA Title Page 7th Edition
- Apostrophes
- Articles
- ASM Style
- Body Paragraphs
- Capitalization
- Chicago Style: Author Date
- Clauses and Sentences
- Colons & Semicolons
- Conclusions
- Editing
- Fragments and Run-ons
- Inclusive Language
- Instructions
- Literature Reviews
- MLA 9th In-text Citations
- MLA Title Pages
- Number Agreement
- Organizing as you write
- Outlines
- Parallel Structure
- Paraphrasing
- Personal Statement: Strategies for Writing
- Personal Statements: What is it
- Phrasal Verbs
- Plagiarism
- Proofreading
- Quoting Source Materials
- Reflecting on Your Writing Process
- Reverse Outline
- Revising, Editing, and Proofreading
- Sources--Evaluating Sources
- Sources--Types of Sources
- Subject Verb Agreement
- Summarizing
- Synthesis Essays
- Thesis Statements
- Transitions
- Verbs: Past Tense
- Writing Professional Emails
- Writing Timed Essays