Faculty Opportunity Awards

The Faculty Opportunity Awards Program provides support for development of research with potential for continued funding by extramural funding agencies, private foundations, or industry. The program also provides modest support needed to complete scholarly/creative works.

Introduced in 2012, the program is limited to full-time faculty and is intended to provide short-term, non-renewable funding for projects in three categories: the Collaborative Team Award, the Single Investigator Award, and the Scholarly and Creative Work Award. Approximately $500,000 was made available this year. A total of 72 proposals were submitted to this highly competitive awards program. A total of 30 awards were funded, including 11 Collaborative Team Awards, six Single Investigator Awards, and 13 Scholarly and Creative Work Awards.

Learn more about the Faculty Opportunity Awards.

Research Fund for Innovation and Development

The College of Sciences Research Fund for Innovation and Development (RFID) provides limited awards to faculty for the purpose of engaging in additional development of discoveries with potential for future economic development.

In order to be eligible for these funds, faculty will need to submit a research disclosure form, available from the Office of Research and Economic Development.

The UNLV Intellectual Property Committee and the UNLV Office of Economic Development will review the disclosure and make a recommendation regarding potential future actions to the inventor. Based on recommendations from IP committee and the Office of Economic Development, a faculty member may then apply for RFID funds by contacting their department chair or director and submitting an application.