Our Name


This is the full, formal name. Note that we use a comma, not a hyphen, between Nevada and Las Vegas. It can be used as a supporting element in materials – most often on first reference in body copy or graphic elements. It can be used in tandem with, but not as a part of, the UNLV logo and the logo should have visual hierarchy.


Our brand identity is best communicated as UNLV in all marketing and advertising channels. It is short, clear, easy to use, and commands national brand recognition.

In communications for the colleges, schools and business units, UNLV should be used to make it clear the unit is part of the larger university.

  • In design, visit the Logos and Marks page for official department logos and unit signatures
  • In copy, use “UNLV’s William S. Boyd School of Law” or “The International Gaming Institute at UNLV” on first reference. On second reference, it's OK to say “the law school” or “IGI”.
Rebels Make It Happen branded statement on signage with the U-N-L-V brand at its base, on campus.

Creating Brand Content

Our approach recognizes that we cannot simply tell people how to feel about UNLV; we must connect with them through compelling stories. Whether it’s a feature story, a social media campaign, or a video, we must focus on the audiences and demonstrate our value to them.

The Basics

Our content must be:

  • Clear, concise, and professional
  • Provide an authentic view of the university
  • Avoid academic/administrative jargon and marketing hyperbole
  • Fulfill at least one of our Content Goals

UNLV Brand Content Goals

We strive to elevate news into memorable, audience-focused content that:

  • Illustrates how the university’s mission, vision, and strategy serves our audiences
  • Highlights UNLV’s role in building a better community and addressing the world issues that affect our audiences
  • Shows the value of the unique expertise and thought leadership that UNLV offers our community
  • Celebrates individual accomplishments and contributions to helping UNLV achieve Top Tier status
  • Encourages connection, conversation, and participation in the life of the university
  • Makes our audiences proud to be Rebels

Achieving these goals will inspire trust, loyalty, and action — turning our audiences into brand ambassadors.

Voice and Tone

UNLV’s personality — Rebellious, Relentless, and Purposeful — should come through in our communications. These words work together to convey our brand voice. We may have a young, rebellious streak, but we always put it to good use.

The tone is the nuanced expression of that personality depending on the situation. Tone takes into account the medium and audience we’re trying to reach.

Voice Tonal Nuances Definitions
Rebellious Daring, Audacious, Gutsy, Unconventional Showing a desire to resist convention.
Relentless Energetic, Youthful, Driven, Hard-working, Tenacious, Undaunted Showing or promising no abatement of severity, intensity, strength, or pace.
Purposeful Motivated, Inspired, Caring, Committed, Community-oriented Having a purpose; meaningful; intentional.
Diverse Multifaceted, Inclusive, with Breadth and Variety Having many aspects or phases (Beyond demographics and applies to diversity of activities, programs, viewpoints and experiences).
Vegas Iconic, Innovative, Accessible, Ever-evolving, Boomtown Entertainment Capital of the World; Mojave desert city rich in diversity; the opportunity to experience anything you want.

So for an undergraduate-focused social media post, the words and visuals can convey that this is place where they can focus their youthful energy to better their communities. A brochure targeting a community partner, on the other hand, will have a more formal presentation but still convey that UNLV pushes past challenges when partnering to solve our region’s biggest issues.

UNLV Core Messaging

While our Brand Content Goals give general guidance on storytelling, our message map helps us answer the question of why our audiences should care about what we offer. Use the message map to connect UNLV’s attributes (who we are and what we do) to the benefits we offer students, faculty, staff, and community.

The message map is a flexible, internal tool. University communicators can use the message map to:

  • Capture the essence of UNLV’s core message when promoting their specific units. (It doesn’t need to be used verbatim.)

  • Prioritize storytelling — If the story can’t be framed within the message map, it might not be as important for your unit to promote.
  • Ensure they emphasize the benefits/outcomes in materials.
  • Ensure their unit’s stories are part of the larger UNLV story.

Mapping Your Story

At the center of the message map is UNLV’s core value proposition:

  • UNLV offers … An unconventional environment for savvy, dynamic people
  • So they can … Dare to make their “it” happen

The next level up and down from the center contains our secondary messages.

Our Attributes
  • UNLV offers … An unconventional environment for savvy, dynamic people [to be]:
  • Enriched through outstanding education, meaningful research, and innovative community partnerships [Our Mission]
  • Strengthened by our diversity and spirit of self-determination [Our People]
  • Centered in Las Vegas, an iconic, ever-evolving city with global impact [Our Environment]
Our Benefits/Outcomes

The bottom section of the map addresses the benefits our audiences receive.

  • So they can … Dare to make their “it” happen [by]:
  • Achieving individual success
  • Advancing the wellbeing and cultural vitality of their communities
  • Pioneering solutions for our rapidly changing world

Creating Your Unit Map

College/unit communicators can fill in the outer layers with their unit's specific attributes and connect them to the specific benefits for their audiences. Using the map helps ensure unit communications stay grounded in UNLV’s brand story.

Want to fill out your map?

We’re happy to brainstorm with you to fill out your map and to integrate your attributes/benefits into the larger UNLV story. Contact us to get started.

Combining Our Voice and Message

These work together to illustrate how our mission, our people, and our place make the UNLV experience different from every other institution in the world.


  • Achieving Top Tier status? We took on that challenge — and hit that goal well ahead of schedule. Because as the only research university in the region, we know it’s on us to make life better for the communities we serve. To equip a workforce for a rapidly changing world. To solve the tough problems and seize the opportunities presented by massive urban growth.
  • One of our most valuable assets is our diversity — and that extends far beyond the demographics of our student body. Train your brain through more than 300 degree programs. Find your people through 400 student organizations. Feed your soul by trekking out in the desert sunshine or heading up Mt. Charleston to ski.
  • Just say it: Vegas. Iconic and unconventional. Innovative and incomparable. There’s an instant cachet that comes with a degree from UNLV.
  • This is a place to make your “it” happen, whatever that might be.