What is Light Rail and How Can it Benefit Las Vegas?


Jan. 15, 2016, 6pm


Brookings Mountain West will lead an analysis of selected rail transportation systems in place and under construction throughout the United States, with an emphasis on the development of light rail systems in America's western cities. The implications for developing a light rail system in the Las Vegas Valley, including the impact on traffic congestion, environmental conditions, and the larger metropolitan economy will be explored. In addition, Keolis, a rail and transit operator in the United States and Canada, will be available to discuss the light rail option from a technological perspective.

This summit is brought to you by Brookings Mountain West in partnership with the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada and Keolis.

This discussion coincides with the publication of the final draft of the Transportation Investment Business Plan (TIBP) by RTC and its partners. This proposal creates an opportunity to transform the economic landscape of Southern Nevada and reshape the Las Vegas experience for millions of visitors and generations of residents.


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