Thesis Defense: Rebeca Rivera
Jul. 13, 2023, 1pm to 2pm
Campus Location
Office/Remote Location
Room 105 and online
Rebeca Rivera, M.S. candidate
School of Life Sciences
"Informing Management Strategy for the Relict Leopard Frog: Insights into Breeding Biology and an Attempt to Improve Translocation Success Through Pre-exposure and Clearance of an Emerging Amphibian Pathogen"
Advisory committee members:
- Dr. Frank van Breukelen, advisory committee chair
- Dr. Jef Jaeger, research advisor
- Dr. Allyson Hindle, advisory committee member
- Dr. Gabriel Judkins, advisory committee member
Admission Information
This event is free and open to the public. You may also join virtually via Zoom.
Meeting ID: 945 1071 6593
Passcode: 90454368
External Sponsor
School of Life Sciences