SUSTAIN: Supporting Strategic Training of Adaptable and Integrated Nuclear Workforce


Sep. 21, 2023, 1pm to 2pm

Office/Remote Location

Room 2251


Join us for two 30-minute presentations about the SUSTAIN (Supporting Strategic Training of Adaptable and Integrated Nuclear Workforce) project.

Presentation One: NuScale Workforce Needs

Presenter: Steven Mirsky, NuScale Power

The presentation summarizes NuScale Power workforce categories, educational makeup of the different functions in the NuScale SMR design, construction, manufacturing, and operations areas. It also provides numerical values and the NuScale approach to attracting and retaining employees including nuclear workforce education, training, and development.

Presentation Two: SUSTAIN Project Overview

Presenter: Ken Czerwinski, Radiochemistry Program, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

The SUSTAIN project is a collaborative effort between the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Morgan State University, University of Maryland, the Regional Center for Nuclear Education and Training, and NuScale. The project objective is to develop a comprehensive and actionable plan for ensuring that a diverse pool of skilled workers is available to support the continued viability of nuclear power generation in the United States. This will be achieved through an evaluation and lessons learned from previous workforce assessments, outreach to those in workforce supply, demand, and training, using the outreach to project future workforce needs, and development of content for training the future workforce.

The SUSTAIN project is close to completing its first year. The presentation provides an update and a means for the broader community to engage SUSTAIN.

Admission Information

Event is open to anyone. Join us in person at SEB room 2251 or virtually via Zoom. Register to receive the Zoom link.

Note: The SUSTAIN project will be holding monthly presentations on the nuclear workforce on the 3rd Thursday of each month. Notifications of future presentations will be sent to registrants.

Contact Information

UNLV Radiochemistry Program
Wendee Johns