Resume vs. CV Workshop


Oct. 26, 2023, 5pm to 6pm

Office/Remote Location



Resumes and curriculum vitaes (CV’s) must provide a persuasive account of your specific skills and experiences related to the job you are applying for, but there are significant differences between the two.  How are they different? When does it make sense to use a resume vs. a CV? Learn how to effectively create and use both resumes and CV’s in this workshop.

By participating in this workshop you will:

  • Review the difference between a resume and curriculum vitae (CV)
  • Identify resume sections and their respective content, including how to translate material from your CV to your resume
  • Identify CV sections and their respective content
  • Learn what should not be in a CV and resume
  • See example CV and resume templates

Admission Information

This workshop is open to UNLV students. Please log in to your Grad Rebel Gateway (GRG) account and click on The Grad Academy tab to RSVP for this workshop. If you do not have a GRG account, you will be prompted to create one.

Contact Information

Graduate College
Grad Academy

External Sponsor

Graduate College, Career Services