Research/Thesis/Dissertation/Scholarly Writing


Sep. 19, 2023, 4pm to 5pm

Office/Remote Location



Different forms of academic writing require unique approaches, skills, and strategies. In this workshop, you will be introduced to foundational aspects of research and scholarly writing like planning research, literature review, structuring papers, academic writing style, tips for editing and getting feedback. Additionally, you’ll learn about the resources on campus that can help you navigate your writing projects.

By participating in this workshop students will:

  • Enhance academic writing knowhow by gaining further understanding of different kinds of scholarly writing and how to apply beneficial techniques.
  • Get familiar with resources on campus that can help support their writing efforts.

The Grad Academy Pillars: Communication
The Grad Academy Program: GRC
Panelists/Facilitator(s): Dr. Jennifer Pharr, Associate Professor, Environmental and Occupational Health

Admission Information

This workshop is open to UNLV students. Please log in to your Grad Rebel Gateway (GRG) account and click on The Grad Academy tab to RSVP for this workshop. If you do not have a GRG account, you will be prompted to create one. 

Contact Information

Graduate College
Grad Academy

External Sponsor