PTI Mentoring Group: Incorporating Career Development in the Gen Ed Classroom


Mar. 21, 2023, 4pm to 5pm

Campus Location

Office/Remote Location

Room 240 and online


Dr. Denise Tillery, faculty within the College of Liberal Arts and Faculty Center Fellow, will facilitate this spring's part-time instructors mentoring group session.

Students are highly interested in how to relate their academic experiences to their future careers. Even in the general education classes, there are opportunities to highlight the applicability of classroom skills and concepts to future workplaces. This session will focus on three key skills: communication, problem-solving, and research, and offer suggestions for how to connect them to career contexts to help students develop career readiness from day one.



Admission Information

This event is open to UNLV part-time instructors. Please register to attend onsite or online.

Contact Information

UNLV Faculty Center

External Sponsor

UNLV Faculty Center