Professors' Circle Spring 2025: "What We Know...What We Don't Know...Moving Forward"


Feb. 5, 2025, 10am to 11am

Office/Remote Location



The Spring 2025 Professors' Circle, entitled "What We Know...What We Don't Know...Moving Forward" will focus on significant changes and/or executive orders anticipated by the new administration and framed around the "facts" of what is known and unknown and how we move forward.

  • Wednesday, February 5, 2025:  Serving Undocumented, Mixed Status, and International UNLV Students, Faculty, and Staff. Facilitated by Nayelli Rico Lopez. Resource Coordinator, Undocumented Student Program /The Intersection and Michael Kagan, Director of the UNLV Immigration Clinic.
  • Wednesday, March 5, 2025:  The Status and Future of DEI Efforts and Initiatives in Higher Education. A panel discussion facilitated by Jose Melendrez, Interim Vice President of Diversity Initiatives and Chief Diversity Officer
  • Tuesday, April 1, 2025: A Focus on Higher Education Under the New Administration. Facilitated by Chris Heavey, Executive Vice President and Provost



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The Intersection: The Academic Multicultural Resource Center at UNLV