The Politics of Republican Governors


Apr. 11, 2018, 6pm to 7pm

Campus Location

Office/Remote Location

First Floor Auditorium
Molly Reynolds


As part of the Brookings Scholar Lecture Series, Brookings Mountain West invites you to a lecture titled "When Interests Collide: The Politics of Republican Governors in an Era of Unified Republican Federal Control" by Brookings Fellow in Governance Studies, Molly Reynolds. This lecture will focus on three key questions. First, what are policy areas where the political interests of states, especially Republican-led ones, may clash with the political interests of national Republicans? Second, where have we already observed these conflicts and what are the results? And third, what are the implications of 2018 state elections for the relationship between Republican-led states and national Republicans?

Admission Information

This event is free and open to the public.

Contact Information

Brookings Mountain West

External Sponsor

Brookings Mountain West