Ligia Verduga Performs Ibert, Vivanco, Durán, Hersant, Cárdenas, and Harberg
Campus Location
Office/Remote Location
Flute player Ligia Verduga performs her last Doctor of Musical Arts recital. Ligia is joined by pianist Katie Leung. Come listen to this vibrant program including Ibert's Flute Concerto; Vivanco's Fantasia Andina; Durán's Leyenda Incásica; Hersant's Cinq Miniatures for Alto flute; Cárdenas's Funkydo for Bass flute; and Harberg's Piccolo Sonata.
Parking Information
Attendees are welcome to park in the Cottage Grove Parking Garage. Parking is free all day Saturdays and Sundays; after 7 p.m. Monday through Thursday; and Fridays after 1 p.m. During these times, visitors may park in any staff, student, or visitor space free of charge. Please observe handicapped/disabled, reserved, resident, and emergency parking restrictions at all times.
Admission Information
This event is free and open to the public.