Dissertation Defense: Alireza Maghsoudlou
Sep. 15, 2023, 1pm to 2pm
Office/Remote Location
Alireza Mghsoudlou, Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Educational Psychology, Leadership, and Higher Education
Profiles Of Cross-Domain Motivational Beliefs: Relations with Engagement and Gender
Advisory Committee Members:
- Dr. Lisa Bendixen - Advisory Committee Co-Chair
- Dr. Jonathan Hilpert - Advisory Committee Co-Chair
- Dr. E. Michael Nussbaum - Advisory Committee Member
- Dr. Rachael D. Robnett - Graduate College Representative
Admission Information
This event is free and open to the public.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 913 7442 6536
Passcode: 86586528
External Sponsor
Department of Educational Psychology, Leadership, and Higher Education